

Deleting content items in Plone programmatically. How link integrity checks work and how (and when!) to avoid them.


This document explains how to programmatically delete objects in Plone.

Deleting content by id

Deleting content objects is done by IObjectManager.

IObjectManager definition.


# manage_delObjects takes list of ids as an argument
folder.manage_delObjects(["list", "of", "ids", "to", "delete"])


parent = context.aq_parent


The user must have Zope 2 Delete objects permission on the content item being deleted. This is checked in Products.CMFPlone.PloneFolder.manage_delObjects().

Otherwise an Unauthorized exception is raised.

Example how to check for this permission:

from Products.CMFCore import permissions

hospital =
item = hospital.patient1

mt = getToolByName(self.portal, 'portal_membership')
if mt.checkPermission(permissions.DeleteObjects, item):
    # Can delete
    raise AssertionError("Oooops. Deletion allowed")

Bypassing permissions

This is handy if you work e.g. in a debug shell and you are deleting badly behaved objects:

from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager
admin = app.acl_users.getUserById("admin")
# Try harder:
# app.folder_sits.sitsngta._delObject("examples", suppress_events=True)
import transaction ; transaction.commit()

Deleting all content in a folder

This can be a bit tricky. An example:

ids = folder.objectIds() # Plone 3 or older
ids = folder.keys()      # Plone 4 or newer

if len(ids) > 0:
    # manage_delObject will mutate the list
    # so we cannot give it tuple returned by objectIds()
    ids = list(ids)

Fail safe deleting

Sometimes deletion might fail because it dispatches events which might raise exception due to bad broken objects or badly behaving code.

OFS.ObjectManager, the base class for Zope folders, provides an internal method to delete objects from a folder without firing any events:

# Delete object with id "broken-folder" without firing any delete events
site._delObject("broken-folder", suppress_events=True)

The best way to clean up bad objects on your site is via a command line script, in which case remember to commit the transaction after removing the broken objects.

Purging old content from site

This Management Interface script allows you to find content items of certain type and delete them if they are created too long ago:

# Delete FeedfeederItem content items which are more than three months old

from StringIO import StringIO
import DateTime

buf = StringIO()

# DateTime deltas are days as floating points
end = DateTime.DateTime() - 30*3
start = DateTime.DateTime(2000, 1,1)

date_range_query = { 'query':(start,end), 'range': 'min:max'}

items = context.portal_catalog.queryCatalog({
            "created" : date_range_query,
            "sort_on" : "created" })

items = list(items)

print >> buf, "Found %d items to be purged" % len(items)

count = 0
for b in items:
    count += 1
    obj = b.getObject()
    print >> buf, "Deleting:" + obj.absolute_url() + " " + str(obj.created())

return buf.getvalue()

Below is an advanced version for old item-date-based deletion code which is suitable for huge sites. This snippet is from the Products.feedfeeder package. It will look for Feedfeeder items (automatically generated from RSS) which are older than X days and delete them.

It’s based on Zope 3 page registration (sidenote: I noticed that views do not need to be based on BrowserView page class).

  • Transaction thresholds make sure the code runs faster and does not run out of RAM

  • Logging to Plone event log files

  • Number of days to look into past is not hardcoded

  • Manage rights needed to execute the code

You can call this view like:


Here is the view Python source code:

import logging

import transaction
from zope import interface
from zope import component
import DateTime
import zExceptions

logger = logging.getLogger("feedfeeder")

class MegaClean(object):
    """ Clean-up old feed items by deleting them on the site.

    This is intended to be called from cron weekly.

    def __init__(self, context, request):
        self.context = context
        self.request = request

    def clean(self, days, transaction_threshold=100):
        """ Perform the clean-up by looking old objects and deleting them.

        Commit ZODB transaction for every N objects to that commit buffer does not grow
        too long (timewise, memory wise).

        @param days: if item has been created before than this many days ago it is deleted

        @param transaction_threshold: How often we commit - for every nth item
        """"Beginning feed clean up process")

        context = self.context.aq_inner
        count = 0

        # DateTime deltas are days as floating points
        end = DateTime.DateTime() - days
        start = DateTime.DateTime(2000, 1,1)

        date_range_query = {'query':(start,end), 'range': 'min:max'}

        items = context.portal_catalog.queryCatalog({
                    "portal_type": "FeedFeederItem",
                    "created": date_range_query,
                    "sort_on": "created" })

        items = list(items)"Found %d items to be purged" % len(items))

        for b in items:
            count += 1
            obj = b.getObject()
  "Deleting:" + obj.absolute_url() + " " + str(obj.created()))

            if count % transaction_threshold == 0:
                # Prevent transaction becoming too large (memory buffer)
                # by committing now and then
      "Committing transaction")

        msg = "Total %d items removed" % count

        return msg

    def __call__(self):

        days = self.request.form.get("days", None)
        if not days:
            raise zExceptions.InternalError("Bad input. Please give days=60 as HTTP GET query parameter")

        days = int(days)

        return self.clean(days)

Then we have the view ZCML registration:
