Available Permissions In Plone


What Zope security permissions you have available for your Plone coding

Listing Different Available Permissions

Each permission name is a string.

To see available permissions, click Security tab at your site root in the Management Interface.

In programming, use pseudo-constants instead of permission string values:

For available ZCML permission mappings see:

or search for the string <permission in *.zcml files in the eggs folder of your Plone development deployment.

Example using UNIX grep tool:

grep -C 3 -Ri --include=*.zcml "<permission" *

Useful Permissions

Permissions are shown by their verbose name in the Management Interface.


This governs whether you are allowed to view some content.

Access Contents Information

This permission allows access to an object, without necessarily viewing the object. For example, a user may want to see the object’s title in a list of results, even though the user can’t view the contents of that file.

List folder contents

This governs whether you can get a listing of the contents of a folder; it doesn’t check whether you have the right to view the objects listed.

Modify Portal Content

This governs whether you are allowed to modify some content.

Manage Portal

This permission allows you to manage the portal. A number of views in the plone control panel are protected with this view. If you plan to write a reusable product, be very hesitant to use this permission, check whether a custom permission might make more sense.

There is no single permission for adding content. Every content type has its own permission. If you create your own content type, create a custom add permission for it.


Permission name

Permission name for ZCML



Access contents information


List folder contents


Modify portal content


Manage portal


To reference a permission in code, you need the name as a string. Using strings is a bad convention, all common permissions have a constant in Products.CMFCore.permissions. To perform a permission check propery, you do something like this:

from AccessControl import getSecurityManager
from AccessControl import Unauthorized
from Products.CMFCore import permissions

if not getSecurityManager().checkPermission(permissions.ModifyPortalContent, object):
    raise Unauthorized("You may not modify this object")

All standard permissions from above can be referenced by their Permission name without spaces.

More info: