Member profiles


How to manage Plone member properties programmatically


Member profile fields are the fields which the logged-in member can edit himself on his user account page.

For more info, see:


MemberData class

PlonePAS subclasses and extends MemberData and MemberDataTool.

Getting member profile properties


The following applies to vanilla Plone. If you have customized membership behavior it won’t necessarily work.

Member profile properties (title, address, biography, etc.) are stored in portal_membership tool.

Available fields can be found in the Management Interface -> portal_membership -> Properties tab.

The script below is a simple example showing how to list all member email addresses:

from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
memberinfo = []
membership = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_membership')
for member in membership.listMembers():
return memberinfo

Accessing member data


Get member data by username

Further reading

Getting member fullname

In Python code you can access properties on the MemberData object:

fullname = member_data.getProperty("fullname")

In a template you can do something along the same lines:

<tal:with-fullname define="membership context/portal_membership;info python:membership.getMemberInfo(user.getId()); fullname info/fullname">
    You are are <span class="name" tal:content="fullname" />

Note that this code won’t work for anonymous users.

Setting member profile properties

Use setMemberProperties(mapping={...}) to batch update properties. Old properties are not removed.


member = portal_membership.getMemberById(user_id)

New properties must be explicitly declared in portal_memberdata, before creation of the member, or setMemberProperties() will silently fail.


How to retrofit existing members with new properties?


def prepareMemberProperties(site):
    """ Adjust site for custom member properties """

    # Need to use ancient Z2 property sheet API here...
    portal_memberdata = getToolByName(site, "portal_memberdata")

    # When new member is created, it's MemberData
    # is populated with the values from portal_memberdata property sheet,
    # so value="" will be the default value for users' home_folder_uid
    # member property
    if not portal_memberdata.hasProperty("home_folder_uid"):
        portal_memberdata.manage_addProperty(id="home_folder_uid", value="", type="string")


def createMatchingHomeFolder(member):
    """ """

    email = member.getProperty("email")

    # Store UID of the created folder in memberdata so we can
    # look it up later to e.g. generate the link to the member folder
    member.setMemberProperties(mapping={"home_folder_uid": home_folder.UID()})

    return home_folder

Setting password

Password is a special case.

Example how to set the user password:

# Password is set in a special way
# passwd is password as plain text

Increase minimum password size

To increase the minimum password size, copy validate_pwreset_password to your custom folder and insert the following lines:

if len(password) < 8:
    state.setError('password', 'ERROR')

This will increase the minimum password size for the password reset form to 8 characters. (This does not effect new user registration, that limit will still be 5.)

Don’t forget to update your form templates to reflect your changes!

Default password length - password reset form

The password reset form’s minimum password length is 5 characters. To increase this:

Copy validate_pwreset_password into your custom folder and add the following lines:

if len(password) < 8:

before the if state.getErrors(): method.

This would increase the minimum password size to 8 characters. Remember to update your form templates accordingly.

Setting visual editor for all users

The visual editor property is set on the member upon creation.

If you want to change all site members to use TinyMCE instead of Kupu. you have to do it using the command-line — Plone provides no through-the-web way to change the properties of other members. Here is a script which does the job:

import transaction

# Traverse to your Plone site from Zope application root
context = app.yoursiteid.sitsngta # site id is yoursiteid

usernames = context.acl_users.getUserNames()
portal_membership = context.portal_membership
txn = transaction.get()

i = 0
for userid in usernames:
    member = portal_membership.getMemberById(userid)
    value = member.wysiwyg_editor

    # Show the existing editor choice before upgrading
    print str(userid) + ": " + str(value)

    # Set WYSIWYG editor for the member
    member.wysiwyg_editor = "TinyMCE"

    # Make sure transaction buffer does not grow too large
    i += 1
    if i % 25 == 0:

# Once done, commit all the changes

Run it:

bin/instance run


The script does not work through the Management Interface as member properties do not have proper security declarations, meaning, no changes are permitted.

Password reset requests

Directly manipulating password reset requests is useful e.g. for testing.

Poking requests:

# Poke password reset information
reset_requests = self.portal.portal_password_reset._requests.values()
self.assertEqual(1, len(reset_requests))
# reset requests are keyed by their random magic string
key = self.portal.portal_password_reset._requests.keys()[0]
reset_link = self.portal.pwreset_constructURL(key)

Clearing all requests:

# Reset all password reset requests
self.portal.portal_password_reset._requests = {}