Supported Environment Variables


Using environment variables requires advanced knowledge of Plone.

For Basic Usage

  • ADDONS - Customize Plone via add-ons using this environment variable

  • ZEO_ADDRESS - This environment variable allows you to run Plone image as a ZEO client.

  • SITE - Add Plone with this id to Data.fs on first run. If NOT provided, you’ll have to manually add a Plone Site via web UI

  • VERSIONS - Use specific versions of Plone Add-on or python libraries

For Advanced Usage


  • PLONE_ADDONS, ADDONS - Customize Plone via Plone add-ons using this environment variable

  • PLONE_SITE, SITE - Add Plone with this id to Data.fs on first run. If NOT provided, you’ll have to manually add a Plone Site via web UI

  • PLONE_VERSIONS, VERSIONS - Use specific versions of Plone Add-on or python libraries

  • PLONE_ZCML, ZCML - Include custom Plone add-ons ZCML files

  • PLONE_DEVELOP, DEVELOP - Develop new or existing Plone add-ons


  • ZEO_ADDRESS - This environment variable allows you to run Plone image as a ZEO client.

  • ZEO_READ_ONLY - Run Plone as a read-only ZEO client. Defaults to off.

  • ZEO_CLIENT_READ_ONLY_FALLBACK - A flag indicating whether a read-only remote storage should be acceptable as a fallback when no writable storages are available. Defaults to false.

  • ZEO_SHARED_BLOB_DIR - Set this to on if the ZEO server and the instance have access to the same directory. Defaults to off.

  • ZEO_STORAGE - Set the storage number of the ZEO storage. Defaults to 1.

  • ZEO_CLIENT_CACHE_SIZE - Set the size of the ZEO client cache. Defaults to 128MB.

  • ZEO_PACK_KEEP_OLD - Can be set to false to disable the creation of .fs.old files before the pack is run. Defaults to true.

  • HEALTH_CHECK_TIMEOUT - Time in seconds to wait until health check starts. Defaults to 1 second.

  • HEALTH_CHECK_INTERVAL - Interval in seconds to check that the Zope application is still healthy. Defaults to 1 second.


  • CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN - Origins that are allowed access to the resource. Either a comma separated list of origins, for example, or *. Defaults to http://localhost:3000,

  • CORS_ALLOW_METHODS - A comma separated list of HTTP method names that are allowed by this CORS policy, for example DELETE,GET,OPTIONS,PATCH,POST,PUT. Defaults to DELETE,GET,OPTIONS,PATCH,POST,PUT

  • CORS_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS - Indicates whether the resource supports user credentials in the request. Defaults to true

  • CORS_EXPOSE_HEADERS - A comma separated list of response headers clients can access, for example Content-Length,X-My-Header. Defaults to Content-Length,X-My-Header

  • CORS_ALLOW_HEADERS - A comma separated list of request headers allowed to be sent by the client, for example X-My-Header. Defaults to Accept,Authorization,Content-Type,X-Custom-Header

  • CORS_MAX_AGE - Indicates how long the results of a preflight request can be cached. Defaults to 3600