Language functions¶
TODO: rework this section.
Accessing and changing the language state of Plone programmatically.
Each page view has a language associated with it.
The active language is negotiated by the plone.i18n.negotiator
Several factors may be involved in determining what the language should be:
Cookies (setting from the language selector)
The top-level domain name (e.g.
for Finnish,.se
for Swedish)Context (current content) language
Browser language headers
Language is negotiated at the beginning of the page view.
Languages are managed by portal_languagetool.
Getting the current language¶
Example view/viewlet method of getting the current language.
from Products.Five.browser import BrowserView
from zope.component import getMultiAdapter
class MyView(BrowserView):
def language(self):
@return: Two-letter string, the active language code
context = self.context.aq_inner
portal_state = getMultiAdapter((context, self.request), name=u'plone_portal_state')
current_language = portal_state.language()
return current_language
Getting language of content item¶
All content objects don’t necessarily support the Language()
look-up defined by the IDublinCore
Below is the safe way to extract the served language on the content.
Example BrowserView method:
from Acquisition import aq_inner
def language(self):
""" Get the language of the context.
Useful in producing <html> tag.
You need to output language for every HTML page, see
@return: The two letter language code of the current content.
portal_state = self.context.unrestrictedTraverse("@@plone_portal_state")
return aq_inner(self.context).Language() or portal_state.default_language()
Getting available site languages¶
Example below:
# Python 2.6 compatible ordered dict
# NOTE: API is not 1:1, but for normal dict access of
# set member, iterate keys and values this is enough
from collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError:
from odict import odict as OrderedDict
def getLanguages(self):
Return list of active langauges as ordered dictionary, the preferred first language as the first.
Example output::
u'fi': {u'id' : u'fi', u'flag': u'/++resource++country-flags/fi.gif', u'name': u'Finnish', u'native': u'Suomi'},
u'de': {u'id' : u'de', u'flag': u'/++resource++country-flags/de.gif', u'name': u'German', u'native': u'Deutsch'},
u'en': {u'id' : u'en', u'flag': u'/++resource++country-flags/gb.gif', u'name': u'English', u'native': u'English'},
u'ru': {u'id' : u'ru', u'flag': u'/++resource++country-flags/ru.gif', u'name': u'Russian', u'native': u'\u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439'}
result = OrderedDict()
portal_languages = self.context.portal_languages
# Get barebone language listing from portal_languages tool
langs = portal_languages.getAvailableLanguages()
preferred = portal_languages.getPreferredLanguage()
# Preferred first
for lang, data in langs.items():
if lang == preferred:
result[lang] = data
# Then other languages
for lang, data in langs.items():
if lang != preferred:
result[lang] = data
# For convenience, include the language ISO code in the export,
# so it is easier to iterate data in the templates
for lang, data in result.items():
data["id"] = lang
return result
Simple language conditions in page templates¶
You can do this if full translation strings are not worth the trouble:
<div class="main-text">
<a tal:condition="python:context.restrictedTraverse('@@plone_portal_state').language() == 'fi'" href="">Siirry täydelle web-sivustolle</a>
<a tal:condition="python:context.restrictedTraverse('@@plone_portal_state').language() != 'fi'" href="">Go to full website</a>
Set site language settings¶
# Setup site language settings
portal = context.getSite()
ltool = portal.portal_languages
defaultLanguage = 'en'
supportedLanguages = ['en','es']
ltool.manage_setLanguageSettings(defaultLanguage, supportedLanguages,
For unit testing, you need to run this in afterSetUp()
after setting up
the languages:
# Normally called by pretraverse hook,
# but must be called manually for the unit tests
# Goes only for the current request
Using GenericSetup
and propertiestool.xml
<object name="portal_properties" meta_type="Plone Properties Tool">
<object name="site_properties" meta_type="Plone Property Sheet">
<property name="default_language" type="string">en</property>
Customizing language selector¶
Making language flags point to different top level domains¶
If you use multiple domain names for different languages it is often desirable to make the language selector point to a different domain. Search engines do not really like the dynamic language switchers and will index switching links, messing up your site search results.
Example: TODO
Login-aware language negotiation¶
By default, language negotiation happens before authentication. Therefore, if you wish to use authenticated credentials in the negotiation, you can do the following.
Hook the after-traversal event.
Example event registration
<subscriber handler=".language_negotiation.Negotiator"/>
Corresponding event handler:
from zope.interface import Interface
from zope.component import adapter
from ZPublisher.interfaces import IPubEvent,IPubAfterTraversal
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from AccessControl import getSecurityManager
from import getSite
def Negotiator(event):
# Keep the current request language (negotiated on portal_languages)
# untouched
site = getSite()
ms = getToolByName(site, 'portal_membership')
member = ms.getAuthenticatedMember()
if member.getUserName() == 'Anonymous User':
language = member.language
if language:
# Fake new language for all authenticated users
event.request['LANGUAGE'] = language
event.request.LANGUAGE_TOOL.LANGUAGE = language
lt = getToolByName(site, 'portal_languages')
event.request['LANGUAGE'] = lt.getDefaultLanguage()
event.request.LANGUAGE_TOOL.LANGUAGE = lt.getDefaultLanguage()