Add-on Installation And Export framework: GenericSetup


GenericSetup is a framework to modify the Plone site during add-on package installation and uninstallation.

It provides XML-based rules to change the site settings.


GenericSetup is an XML-based way to import and export Plone site configurations.

It is mainly used to prepare the Plone site for add-on packages, by:

  • registering CSS files,

  • registering JavaScript files,

  • setting various properties,

  • registering portlets,

  • registering portal_catalog search query indexes,

  • … etc …

GenericSetup is mostly used to apply an add-on’s specific changes to the site configuration and to enable specific behaviors when the add-on installer is run.

GenericSetup XML files are usually in a profiles/default folder inside the add-on package.

All run-time through-the-web (TTW) configurable items, like viewlets order through /@@manage-viewlets page, are made repeatable using GenericSetup profile files.

You do not need to hand-edit GenericSetup profile files.

You can always change the configuration options through Plone or using the Management Interface, and then you export the resulting profile as an XML file, using the Export tab in portal_setup accessible from the Management Interface.

Directly editing XML profile files does not change anything on the site, even after Zope restart. This is because run-time TTW configurable items are stored in the database.

If you edit profile files, you need to either reimport the edited files using the portal_setup tool or fully rerun the add-on package installer in Plone control panel.

This import will read XML files and change the Plone database accordingly.


Difference between ZCML and GenericSetup

ZCML changes affect loaded Python code in all sites inside Zope whereas GenericSetup XML files affect only one Plone site and its database. GenericSetup XML files are always database changes.

Relationship between ZCML and site-specific behavior is usually done using layers. ZCML directives, like viewlets and views, are registered to be active only on a certain layer using layer attribute. When GenericSetup XML is imported through portal_setup, or the add-on package installer is run for a Plone site, the layer is activated for the particular site only, enabling all views registered for this layer.


The metadata.xml file (add-on dependency and version information) is read during Plone start-up. If this file has problems, your add-on might not appear in the installer control panel.

Creating A Profile

You use <genericsetup> directive in your add-on package’s configure.zcml. The name for the default profile executed by the Plone add-on installer is default.

If you need different profiles, for example for unit testing, you can declare them here.

XML files for the default profile go in the profiles/default folder inside your add-on package.


      title="your.addonpackage (installation profile)"
      description='Your add-on package installation profile'


Multiple Profiles

When you have more than one profile in your add-on package, the add-ons control panel needs to decide which one to use when you install it.

Since Plone 5.1, when there is a default profile, it is always used as the installation profile, regardless of other profile names.

Exception: when this default profile is marked in an INonInstallable utility, it is ignored and Plone falls back to using the first from the alphabetical sorting.


In Plone 5.0 and lower, the profiles are sorted alphabetically by id, and the first one is chosen. If you have profiles base and default, the base profile is installed. It is recommended to let default be the alphabetically first profile.

Add-on-specific Issues

Add-on packages may contain:

  • A default GenericSetup XML profile which is automatically run when the package is installed using the quick-installer. The profile name is usually default.

  • Other profiles which the user may install using the portal_setup Import tab, or which can be manually enabled for unit tests.

  • An “Import various” step, which runs Python code every time the GenericSetup XML profile is installed. See Custom Installer Code (

  • A pre_handler or post_handler when you use GenericSetup 1.8.2 or higher. See note at Custom Installer Code (

For more information about custom import steps, see:

Listing Available Profiles


# List all profiles know to the Plone instance.
setup_tool = self.portal.portal_setup

profiles = setup_tool.listProfileInfo()
for profile in profiles:
   print str(profile)

Sample results:

{'product': 'PluggableAuthService',
 'description': 'Content for an empty PAS (plugins registry only).',
 'for': <InterfaceClass Products.PluggableAuthService.interfaces.authservice.IPluggableAuthService>,
 'title': 'Empty PAS Content Profile',
 'version': 'PluggableAuthService-1.5.3',
 'path': 'profiles/empty',
 'type': 1,
 'id': 'PluggableAuthService:empty'}
{'product': 'Products.CMFPlone',
 'description': u'Profile for a default Plone.',
 'for': <InterfaceClass Products.CMFPlone.interfaces.siteroot.IPloneSiteRoot>,
 'title': u'Plone Site',
 'version': u'3.1.7',
 'path': u'/home/moo/sits/parts/plone/CMFPlone/profiles/default',
 'type': 1,
 'id': u'Products.CMFPlone:plone'}

Installing A Profile

This is usually unit test specific question how to enable certain add-ons for unit testing.

See Product and profile installation.


You might want to install profiles manually if they need to be enabled only for certain tests.

The profile name is in the format profile-${package_name}:${profile id}

Unit testing example:

# Run the extended profile of the "your.addonpackage" package.

New in version 4.3.8: Since Products.GenericSetup 1.8.0 (Plone 4.3.8, Plone 5.0.0) the profile- part is optional. The code can handle both.

Missing Upgrade Procedure

In the Add-ons control panel you may see a warning that your add-on package is missing an upgrade procedure.

This means you need to write some Upgrade steps.

Uninstall Profile

For the theory, see

For an example, see the collective.pdfpeek source code.

When you deactivate an add-on in the control panel, Plone looks for a profile with the name uninstall and applies it.

New in version 5.1: If there is no uninstall profile, a warning is displayed before installing the add-on. If you do activate the add-on, no deactivate button will be shown.

New in version 5.1: The add-ons control panel no longer does an automatic partial cleanup, for example removing added skins and css resources. This was always only partial, you could not rely on it to fully cleanup the site.


This method works in Plone 4.3.7 and higher. If you need to support older versions, you may need to write an Extensions/ file with an uninstall method. See older versions of this document for more information.


GenericSetup profile can contain dependencies to other add-on package installers and profiles.

For example, if you want to declare a dependency to the your.addonpackage package, that it is automatically installed when your add-on is installed, you can use the declaration below.

This way you can be sure that all layers, portlets and other features which require database changes are usable from your.addonpackage when it is run.


<?xml version="1.0"?>

your.addonpackage declares the profile in its configure.zcml:

    description='Your add-on package installation profile'


Unlike other GenericSetup XML files, metadata.xml is read on the start-up and this read is cached. Always restart Plone after editing metadata.xml.

If your metadata.xml file contains syntax errors or dependencies to a missing or non-existent package (e.g. due to a typo in a name) your add-on will disappear from the installation control panel.


For some old add-ons in the Products.* Python namespace, you must not include the full package name in the dependencies.

This is true when this add-on has registered its profile in Python instead of zcml, and there it has used only part of its package name.

In most cases you do need to use the full name.

To declare a dependency on the simple profile of Products.PluggableAuthService:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!-- Install the simple PluggableAuthService profile on the site when this add-on is installed. -->

Metadata version numbers

Some old add-on packages may have a metadata.xml without version number, but this is considered bad practice.

What should the version number in your metadata.xml be?

This mostly matters when you are adding upgrade steps, see also the Upgrade steps section.

Upgrade steps have a sort order in which they are executed. This used to be alphabetical sorting.

When you had eleven upgrade steps, marked from 1 through 11, alphabetical sorting meant this order: 1, 10, 11, 2, 3, etc.

If you are seeing this, then you are using an old version of GenericSetup.

You want numerical sorting here, which is correctly done currently. Versions with dots work fine too.

They get ordered just like they would when used for packages on PyPI.

Best practice for all versions of GenericSetup is this:

  • Start with 1000. This avoids problems with ancient GenericSetup that used alphabetical sorting.

  • Simply increase the version by 1 each time you need a new metadata version. For example: 1001, 1002, etc.

  • If your add-on package version number changes, but your profile stays the same and no upgrade step is needed, you should not change the metadata version. There is no need.

  • If you make changes for a new major release, you should increase the metadata version significantly. This leaves room for small metadata version increases on a maintenance branch. Example: You have branch master with version 1025. You make backwards incompatible changes and you increase the version to 2000. You create a maintenance branch where the next metadata version will be 1026.

Custom Installer Code (

Besides out-of-the-box XML steps which provide both install and uninstall, GenericSetup provides a way to run custom Python code when your add-on package is installed and uninstalled.

This is not a very straightforward process, though.


An easier way may be possible for you. GenericSetup 1.8.2 has an option to point to a function to run before or after applying all import steps for your profile.

If you do not need to support older versions, this is the easiest way.

In configure.zcml:


      title="Your Add-on Package"
      description="A useful package"



def run_before(context):
    # This is run before running the first import step of
    # the default profile.  context is portal_setup.
    # If you need the same context as you would get in
    # an import step, like setup_various below, do this:
    profile_id = 'profile-your.addonpackage:default'
    good_old_context = context._getImportContext(profile_id)

def run_after(context):
    # This is run after running the last import step of
    # the default profile.  context is portal_setup.

The best practice is to create a file which contains a function setup_various() which runs the required Python code to make changes to Plone site object.

This function is registered as a custom genericsetup:importStep in XML.


When you write a custom importStep, remember to write uninstallation code as well.

However, the trick is that all GenericSetup import steps, including your custom step, are run for every add-on package when they are installed.

If your need to run code which is specific to your add-on install only you need to use a marker text file which is checked by the GenericSetup context.

Also you need to register this custom import step in configure.zcml:


      title="your.addonpackage special import handlers"


You can run other steps before yours by using the depends directive.

For instance, if your import step depends on a content type to be installed first, you must use:


      title="your.addonpackage special import handlers"
    <depends name="typeinfo" />

</configure> example

__docformat__ = "epytext"

def run_custom_code(site):
    """Run custom add-on package installation code to modify Plone
       site object and others

    @param site: Plone site

def setup_various(context):
    @param context: Products.GenericSetup.context.DirectoryImportContext instance

    # We check from our GenericSetup context whether we are running
    # add-on installation for your package or any other
    if context.readDataFile('your.addonpackage.marker.txt') is None:
        # Not your add-on

    portal = context.getSite()


And add a dummy text file your.addonpackage/your/addonpackage/profiles/default/your.addonpackage.marker.txt:

This text file can contain any content - it just needs to be present

More information

Overriding Import Step Order

If you need to override the order of import steps in a package that is not yours, it might work if you use an overrides.zcml.

Controlling The Import Step Execution Order

If you need to control the execution order of one of your own custom import steps, you can do this in your import step definition in zcml.

To make sure the catalog and typeinfo steps are run before your own step, use this code:


      title="Poi various import handlers"
    <depends name="catalog"/>
    <depends name="typeinfo"/>



The name that you need, is usually the name of the related xml file, but with the .xml stripped. For the catalog.xml the import step name is catalog. But there are exceptions.

For the types.xml and the types directory, the import step name is typeinfo.

See the section on Generic Setup files for a list.

Upgrade Steps

You can define upgrade steps to run code when someone upgrades your package from version x to y.

As an example, let’s say that the new version of your.addonpackage defines a price field on a content type MyType to be a string, but previously (version 1.1 and earlier) it was a float.

Code that uses this field and assumes it to be a float will break after the upgrade, you’d like to automatically convert existing values for the field to string.

You could do this in a script, but having a GenericSetup upgrade step means non-technical people can do it as well.

Once you have the script, it’s code can be to put in an upgrade step.

Increment Profile Version

First increase the number of the version in the profiles/default/metadata.xml. This version number should be an integer.

Package version are different because they add sense like the status of the add-on: is it stable, is it in development, in beta, which branch is it.

A profile version indicates only that you have to migrate data in the database.

Add Upgrade Step

Next we add an upgrade step:


      title="Convert Price to strings"
      description="Price was previously a float field, it should be converted to string"

  • You can use a wildcard character for source to indicate an upgrade for any previous version. Since Products.GenericSetup 1.7.6 this works fine. To run the upgrade step only when upgrading from a specific version, use that version’s number.

  • The optional sortkey can be used to indicate the order in which upgrade steps from the same source to destination are run.

Add Upgrade Code

The code for the upgrade method itself is best placed in a module:

from plone import api
import logging

PROFILE_ID = 'profile-your.addonpackage:default'

def convert_price_to_string(context, logger=None):
    """Method to convert float Price fields to string.

    When called from the import_various method, 'context' is
    the plone site and 'logger' is the portal_setup logger.

    But this method will be used as upgrade step, in which case 'context'
    will be portal_setup and 'logger' will be None."""

    if logger is None:
        # Called as upgrade step: define our own logger.
        logger = logging.getLogger('your.addonpackage')

    # Run the catalog.xml step as that may have defined new metadata
    # columns.  We could instead add <depends name="catalog"/> to
    # the registration of our import step in zcml, but doing it in
    # code makes this method usable as upgrade step as well.
    # Remove these lines when you have no catalog.xml file.
    setup = api.portal.get_tool('portal_setup')
    setup.runImportStepFromProfile(PROFILE_ID, 'catalog')

    catalog = api.portal.get_tool('portal_catalog')
    brains = catalog(portal_type='MyType')
    count = 0
    for brain in brains:
        current_price = brain.getPrice
        if type(current_price) != type('a string'):
            obj = brain.getObject()
            count += 1

    setup.runImportStepFromProfile(PROFILE_ID, 'catalog')'%s fields converted.' % count)

Other examples of using generic setup to run import steps are below.

If you want to call types.xml use typeinfo:

setup.runImportStepFromProfile(PROFILE_ID, 'typeinfo')

If you want to call workflow.xml use workflow:

setup.runImportStepFromProfile(PROFILE_ID, 'workflow')

The ids of the various default import steps are defined in several places.

Some of the most used ones are here:

After restarting Zope, your upgrade step should be visible in the Management Interface: the portal_setup tool has a tab Upgrades.

Select your package profile to see which upgrade steps Zope knows about for your add-on.


In an upgrade step you can apply a specific import step from your profile:

    title="Apply rolemap.xml.
           This is implicitly taken from the profile this upgradeStep is defined for."
    import_steps="rolemap" />

You can apply multiple steps, separated by a space:

    import_steps="cssregistry jsregistry" />

You can apply steps from a different profile:

    title="Apply skins.xml from our plone4 profile"
    import_steps="skins" />

You can apply a complete profile:

    title="Install our complete cache profile"
    import_profile="your.addonpackage:cache" />

Combining Upgrade Steps

You can create many upgrade steps under one migration.

This is useful when you want to have the ability to re-run some parts of the migration and make your code more re-useable (for example cook css resource of your theme).

Here is an example of many upgrade steps you can have to achieve on a site policy:


      title="Upgrade addons"
      description="Install and upgrades add-ons"

      title="Remove LDAP PAS Plugin"
      description="Execute this upgrade after the plonesite upgrade"

      title="Apply skins.xml from our plone4 profile"

      title="Install our complete cache profile"

      title="Apply rolemap.xml.
             This is implicitly taken from the profile the upgradeSteps are defined for: the default"


Add-on Package Appears Twice In The Installer List

This happens if you are developing your own add-on and keep changing things.

You have an error in your add-on package ZCML code which causes portal_quickinstaller to have two entries.

More information

Preventing Uninstall

You might want to prevent your add-on package uninstall for some reason.


from zExceptions import BadRequest

def uninstall(self, reinstall):
    if reinstall == False:
        raise BadRequest('This package cannot be uninstalled!')

Deprecated since version 5.1: This example is for Extensions/, an old Plone 2 way of writing installers and uninstallers. It is still working in Plone 5.0, but will likely go away in Plone 5.1. In Plone 5.1 you can decide not to create an uninstall profile.

Best Practices

The purge attribute

When importing items such as property sheets, make sure not to override other profile settings: set the purge attribute to False.

This will add the listed items to the property instead of resetting the property.


<property name="metaTypesNotToList" type="lines" purge="False">
  <element value="File"/>
  <element value="Image"/>

The remove Attribute

The remove attribute can be used to remove an item.

<property name="allowAnonymousViewAbout" type="boolean" remove="true" />

There are dangers:

  • Some importers do not support the remove keyword. They ignore it and add the item blindly. This should be regarded as a bug in the importer. Please report it.

  • Some importers check the truth value of the attribute, some just check the presence. remove="false" may mean the item stays and may mean it gets removed. Best is to either use remove="true" or leave the entire keyword away.

Only Use The Configuration That You Need

When you export your site’s configuration, it will include things that you don’t need.

For example, if you only need to change the ‘Allow anonymous to view about’ property, this is what your propertiestool.xml should look like:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="portal_properties" meta_type="Plone Properties Tool">
  <object name="site_properties" meta_type="Plone Property Sheet">
    <property name="allowAnonymousViewAbout" type="boolean">True</property>

i18n domains in GenericSetup xml files

In your GenericSetup profile you can have several xml files. In some of these it makes sense to do translations.

In most of those cases you must use the plone domain, but in some you can use your own domain.


You are always allowed to use the plone domain, but if the xml file supports a separate domain it is best to use that.

  • actions.xml: use your own domain.


<object name="ducktest" meta_type="CMF Action" i18n:domain="your.addonpackage">
  <property name="title" i18n:translate="">Duck Test</property>
  <property name="description" i18n:translate="">Action: test a duck</property>


In the portal_actions tool, in the Management Interface, you will see an i18n domain specified for each action.

  • catalog.xml: no i18n needed

  • componentregistry.xml: no i18n needed

  • contenttyperegistry.xml: no i18n needed

  • controlpanel.xml: use your own domain.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="portal_controlpanel" meta_type="Plone Control Panel Tool"
        i18n:domain="your.addonpackage" xmlns:i18n="">
  <configlet title="Your Add-on Package Configuration Panel" action_id="your.addonpackage" appId="your.addonpackage"
             category="Products" condition_expr=""
             visible="True" i18n:attributes="title">
    <permission>Manage portal</permission>
  • cssregistry.xml: no i18n needed

  • diff_tool.xml: no i18n needed

  • factorytool.xml: no i18n needed

  • jsregistry.xml: no i18n needed

  • kssregistry.xml: no i18n needed

  • mailhost.xml: no i18n needed

  • memberdata_properties.xml: no i18n needed

  • metadata.xml: no i18n needed

  • portal_atct.xml: use the plone domain.


This has no influence on the Collections panel in Site Setup.

It is only used on the edit and criteria pages of an old-style Collection.

  • portlets.xml: use the plone domain.

  • properties.xml: no i18n needed

  • propertiestool.xml: no i18n needed

  • rolemap.xml: no i18n needed

  • skins.xml: no i18n needed

  • toolset.xml: no i18n needed

  • types: use your own domain

  • viewlets.xml: no i18n needed

  • workflows: use the plone domain

Generic Setup Files


Deprecated since version 4.0.: Plone 5 no longer reads this file, because Products.CMFActionIcons is not included. The icons should go in actions.xml directly.


Install actions in the portal_actions tool.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="portal_actions" meta_type="Plone Actions Tool"
  <object name="object_buttons" meta_type="CMF Action Category">
    <object name="iterate_checkin" meta_type="CMF Action" i18n:domain="plone">
      <property name="title" i18n:translate="">Check in</property>
      <property name="description" i18n:translate=""></property>
      <property name="url_expr">string:${object_url}/@@content-checkin</property>
      <property name="icon_expr">string:${portal_url}/++resource++checkout.png</property>
      <property name="available_expr">python:path('object/@@iterate_control').checkin_allowed()</property>
      <property name="permissions">
        <element value="View"/>
      <property name="visible">True</property>

These actions are used in various parts of Plone.

These are the object categories in standard Plone:


Document actions, like rss and print.


Site actions, like sitemap, accessibility, contact.


Object tabs, like contents, sharing tab.


Object buttons, like delete, rename.


Portal tabs, like Home.


User actions, like preferences, login, join.

For adding controlpanel actions, see controlpanel.xml instead.

The objects support insert-before and insert-after for inserting the action object before or after another action object.

For removing, use remove="true" (or True).

Uninstall example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="portal_actions" meta_type="Plone Actions Tool"
  <object name="object_buttons" meta_type="CMF Action Category">
    <object name="iterate_checkin" remove="true" />


You can use your own i18n domain.


This registers a specific browser layer, which allows components to be available only when your add-on package is installed.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <layer name="your.addonpackage"
      interface="your.addonpackage.interfaces.IYourAddonPackageLayer" />

For removing, use remove="true" (or True).

Uninstall example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <layer name="your.addonpackage" remove="true" />


Setup items in the local component registry of the Plone Site. The items can be adapters, subscribers or utilities.

This can also be done in zcml, which puts it in the global registry that is defined at startup.

The difference is, when you put it in xml, the item is only added to a specific Plone Site when you install the package in the add-ons control panel.

Both have their uses.


<?xml version="1.0"?>


A subscriber can either have a handler or a factory, not both. A factory must have a provides and may have a name. A subscriber will fail with a provides.


If something does not get added, its provider is probably blacklisted. This list is defined by Products.GenericSetup.interfaces.IComponentsHandlerBlacklist utilities. In standard Plone 5, these interfaces are blacklisted as providers:

  • Products.GenericSetup.interfaces.IComponentsHandlerBlacklist

  • plone.portlets.interfaces.IPortletManager

  • plone.portlets.interfaces.IPortletManagerRenderer

  • plone.portlets.interfaces.IPortletType

Uninstall example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>


The presence of the remove keyword is enough. Even if it is empty or contains false as value, the item is removed.

Code is in Products.GenericSetup.components.


Code is in

Content Generation

Code is in Products.GenericSetup.content:

Filesystem exporter / importer adapters.

class Products.GenericSetup.content.FolderishExporterImporter(context)[source]

Tree-walking exporter / importer for “folderish” types.

Folderish instances are mapped to directories within the ‘structure’ portion of the profile, where the folder’s relative path within the site corresponds to the path of its directory under ‘structure’.

The subobjects of a folderish instance are enumerated in the ‘.objects’ file in the corresponding directory. This file is a CSV file, with one row per subobject, with the following wtructure:

"<subobject id>","<subobject portal_type>"

Subobjects themselves are represented as individual files or subdirectories within the parent’s directory.

export(export_context, subdir, root=False)[source]

See IFilesystemExporter.

import_(import_context, subdir, root=False)[source]

See IFilesystemImporter.


See IFilesystemExporter.


<?xml version="1.0"?>

    <permission>Manage portal</permission>


This creates an action in the Site Setup control panel in Plone. Actions are bundled in categories.

The only categories supported in standard Plone 5 are:

  • Member (My Preferences)

  • Plone (Plone Configuration)

  • plone-advanced (Advanced)

  • plone-content (Content)

  • plone-general (General)

  • plone-security (Security)

  • plone-users (Users)

  • Products (Add-on Configuration)

Any other categories are not displayed in the overview control panel. Note that in Plone 4, only Member, Plone and Products were supported. For add-ons, the category Products is recommended.

The action_id must be unique over all categories.

Only one permission is allowed.

Uninstall example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="portal_controlpanel">
  <configlet action_id="" remove="true" />


The action is removed if the remove keyword is true. Upper or lower case does not matter.

The action is visible if the visible keyword is true. Upper or lower case does not matter.


You can use your own i18n domain.

Code is in Products.CMFPlone.exportimport.controlpanel and Products.CMFPlone.PloneControlPanel.


Deprecated since version 5.0.: This still works in Plone 5, but it is deprecated.

For the old way, see: Front-end: templates, CSS and JavaScript.

For the new way, see: doc:Plone 5 Resource Registry </adapt-and-extend/theming/resourceregistry>.


This is the configuration from

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <type portal_type="Document">
      <field name="any" difftype="Compound Diff for Dexterity types"/>
    <type portal_type="Event">
      <field name="any" difftype="Compound Diff for Dexterity types"/>
    <type portal_type="File">
      <field name="any" difftype="Compound Diff for Dexterity types"/>
    <type portal_type="Folder">
      <field name="any" difftype="Compound Diff for Dexterity types"/>
    <type portal_type="Image">
      <field name="any" difftype="Compound Diff for Dexterity types"/>
    <type portal_type="Link">
      <field name="any" difftype="Compound Diff for Dexterity types"/>
    <type portal_type="News Item">
      <field name="any" difftype="Compound Diff for Dexterity types"/>

This configures how the difference between two versions of a field are shown on the history tab.

The configuration is stored in the portal_diff tool.

For Archetypes content, you need a different difftype:

<type portal_type="Document">
  <field name="any" difftype="Compound Diff for AT types"/>

A new difftype can be registered by calling Products.CMFDiffTool.CMFDiffTool.registerDiffType. The difftypes in standard Plone 5 are:

  • Lines Diff

  • Compound Diff for AT types

  • Binary Diff

  • Field Diff

  • List Diff

  • HTML Diff

  • Compound Diff for Dexterity types


There is no uninstall version. The remove keyword is not supported. The portal_diff tool does not show configuration for portal_types that no longer exist.

Code is in Products.CMFDiffTool.exportimport.difftool.


This is only needed for Archetypes content types. It makes sure when you start adding a content item but don’t finish it, that no half created item lingers.

This is not needed for Dexterity items.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="portal_factory" meta_type="Plone Factory Tool">
    <type portal_type="Document"/>
    <type portal_type="Event"/>
    <type portal_type="File"/>
    <type portal_type="Folder"/>
    <type portal_type="Image"/>
    <type portal_type="Link"/>
    <type portal_type="News Item"/>
    <type portal_type="Topic"/>


The remove keyword is not supported.

Code is in Products.ATContentTypes.exportimport.factorytool.


Deprecated since version 5.0.: This still works in Plone 5, but it is deprecated.

For the old way, see: Front-end: templates, CSS and JavaScript.

For the new way, see: doc:Plone 5 Resource Registry </adapt-and-extend/theming/resourceregistry>.


Deprecated since version 4.3: Instead of these Kinetic Style Sheets you should use javascript.


The metadata.xml file is read during Plone start-up.

If this file has problems your add-on package might not appear in the installer control panel.

The metadata.xml file contains add-on dependency and version information.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

The dependencies are optional.

There is no import step that reads this file. The portal_setup tool uses this information when installing a profile.

It installs the profiles that are listed as dependencies, before installing your own profile.

Since Products.GenericSetup 1.8.0, dependency profiles that are already installed, are not installed again.

Instead, their upgrade steps, are applied, if they have them.

After your profile is installed, portal_setup stores the version number. This is used when determining if any upgrade steps are available for your profile.

When you search for metadata.xml in the documentation, you will find more information in context.


There is no uninstall version of metadata.xml. An uninstall profile can have its own metadata.xml with a version and even profiles. But for dependencies no purge or remove keyword is supported.


Deprecated since version 4.2: This was used for Archetypes Topics, the old-style Collections. Since Plone 4.2 you can use new-style Collections. Please use those.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <topic_indexes i18n:domain="plone">
    <index name="allowedRolesAndUsers"
           description="The roles and users with View permission on an item"
           enabled="False" friendlyName="Internal Security"
           i18n:attributes="description; friendlyName" />
    <index name="created" description="The time and date an item was created"
           enabled="True" friendlyName="Creation Date"
           i18n:attributes="description; friendlyName">
  <topic_metadata i18n:domain="plone">
    <metadata name="created"
              description="The time and date an item was created"
              enabled="False" friendlyName="Creation Date"
              i18n:attributes="description; friendlyName" />
  <property name="title">ATContentTypes Tool</property>
  <property name="image_types">
    <element value="Image"/>
    <element value="News Item"/>
  <property name="folder_types">
    <element value="Image"/>
  <property name="album_batch_size">30</property>
  <property name="album_image_scale">thumb</property>
  <property name="single_image_scale">preview</property>


This handles the portal_placeful_workflow.xml file and the portal_placeful_workflow directory.

This install or configures a placeful workflow.

For this to work, you must install Workflow Policy Support (CMFPlacefulWorkflow) in the Add-ons control panel. This package is included in standard Plone, but does not come installed by default.

Standard portal_placeful_workflow.xml from Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="portal_placeful_workflow" meta_type="Placeful Workflow Tool">
  <property name="title"></property>
  <property name="max_chain_length" type="int">1</property>
  <object name="intranet" meta_type="WorkflowPolicy"/>
  <object name="old-plone" meta_type="WorkflowPolicy"/>
  <object name="one-state" meta_type="WorkflowPolicy"/>
  <object name="simple-publication" meta_type="WorkflowPolicy"/>

Standard portal_placeful_workflow/simple-publication.xml from Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="simple-publication" meta_type="WorkflowPolicy">
  <property name="title">Simple publication</property>
      <bound-workflow workflow_id="simple_publication_workflow"/>
    <type default_chain="true" type_id="Document"/>
    <type default_chain="true" type_id="Event"/>
    <type type_id="File">
    <type default_chain="true" type_id="Folder"/>
    <type type_id="Image">
    <type default_chain="true" type_id="Link"/>
    <type default_chain="true" type_id="News Item"/>
    <type default_chain="true" type_id="Collection"/>

Uninstall example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="portal_placeful_workflow" meta_type="Placeful Workflow Tool">
  <object name="old-plone" meta_type="WorkflowPolicy" remove="true" />

The import handler is in Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow.exportimport.importWorkflowPolicies.


Code is in

In portlets.xml you can register various objects.

Add a portlet:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
      description="A portlet which can render a navigation tree"
    <for interface="" />

Add a portlet assignment:


Valid categories are: content_type, context, group, user.

Add a portlet manager:


When creating custom portlet managers, you will need to extend existing portlets to be addable to that manager:

<portlet extend="True" addview="portlets.Calendar">
  <for interface="my.package.interfaces.ICustomPortletManager"/>

You can also change the title and description of the portlet with the extend attribute:

.. code-block:: xml

extend=”True” title=”Dates of inquisition” description=”Nobody expects the SpanishInquisition!” addview=”portlets.Calendar”/>

Remove a portlet definition using the ‘remove’ attribute so that it can no longer be added via @@manage-portlets. This does not remove any assignments:

<portlet remove="True" addview="portlets.Calendar"/>


Deprecated since version 5.0: Most properties are now handled in the configuration registry and can be configured in registry.xml.

In propertiestool.xml you can change all values of the portal_properties tool. Example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="portal_properties" meta_type="Plone Properties Tool">
  <object name="site_properties" meta_type="Plone Property Sheet">
    <property name="use_email_as_login" type="boolean">False</property>
    <property name="default_editor" type="string">TinyMCE</property>

Uninstall example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<object name="portal_properties" meta_type="Plone Properties Tool">
  <object name="site_properties" meta_type="Plone Property Sheet">
    <property name="default_page_types" type="lines" purge="False">
      <element value="UninstallTest" remove="True" />


This configures PAS plugin orderings and active plugins. It isn’t part of Plone itself, it is used by other frameworks and can be used in Plone with a little extra configuration.

First, you need a monkey patch in your` to point the importer at where Plone keeps its PAS plugins.

from Products.PluginRegistry import exportimport
from Products.PluginRegistry.interfaces import IPluginRegistry

def getRegistry(site):
    return IPluginRegistry(site.acl_users.plugins)

exportimport._getRegistry = getRegistry

Secondly, code to handle the import step needs to be activated in Plone:

    name="PAS Plugin Registry"
    title="PAS Plugin Registry"

Now you can use pluginregistry.xml in your generic setup profiles:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <plugin-type id="IAuthenticationPlugin"
            description="Authentication plugins are responsible for validating credentials generated by the Extraction Plugin."
        <plugin id="source_users"/>
        <plugin id="session"/>
        <plugin id="sql"/>

    <plugin-type id="IPropertiesPlugin" title="properties"
            description="Properties plugins generate property sheets for users."
        <plugin id="sql" />
        <plugin id="mutable_properties"/>

    <plugin-type id="IRolesPlugin" title="roles"
            description="Roles plugins determine the global roles which a user has."
        <plugin id="portal_role_manager"/>
        <plugin id="sql"/>

    <plugin-type id="IUserEnumerationPlugin"
            description="Enumeration plugins allow querying users by ID, and searching for users who match particular criteria."
        <plugin id="source_users"/>
        <plugin id="mutable_properties"/>
        <plugin id="sql"/>

    <plugin-type id="IUserAdderPlugin" title="user_adder"
            description="User Adder plugins allow the Pluggable Auth Service to create users."


This edits the configuration registry.


The name of this import step is, not registry.

Example for adding all records of an interface:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <records interface="" />

Example for adding an individual record:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <record name="your.addonpackage.timeout">
    <field type="plone.registry.field.Int">

Uninstall example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <records interface="" remove="true" />
  <record name="your.addonpackage.timeout" remove="true" />

The item is removed if the remove keyword is true. Upper or lower case does not matter.

Existing values of lists are purged by default. The values are not purged if the purge keyword is false.

Upper or lower case does not matter.

For more examples, see the documentation.

Code is in


This handles the versioning policy of content.

The default configuration in Plone is:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <policies purge="true">
    <policy name="at_edit_autoversion"
            title="Create version on edit (AT objects only)"
    <policy name="version_on_revert" title="Create version on version revert"/>
  <policymap purge="true">
    <type name="ATDocument">
      <policy name="at_edit_autoversion"/>
      <policy name="version_on_revert"/>
    <type name="ATNewsItem">
      <policy name="at_edit_autoversion"/>
      <policy name="version_on_revert"/>
    <type name="Document">
      <policy name="at_edit_autoversion"/>
      <policy name="version_on_revert"/>
    <type name="Event">
      <policy name="at_edit_autoversion"/>
      <policy name="version_on_revert"/>
    <type name="Link">
      <policy name="at_edit_autoversion"/>
      <policy name="version_on_revert"/>
    <type name="News Item">
      <policy name="at_edit_autoversion"/>
      <policy name="version_on_revert"/>

Code is in Products.CMFEditions.exportimport.repository.


In rolemap.xml you define new roles and grant permissions. Both are optional.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <role name="Anonymous"/>
    <role name="Authenticated"/>
    <role name="Manager"/>
    <role name="Site Administrator"/>
    <role name="Member"/>
    <role name="Owner"/>
    <role name="Reviewer"/>
    <role name="Reader" />
    <role name="Editor" />
    <role name="Contributor" />
    <permission name="Pass the bridge"
      <role name="Manager"/>
      <role name="Site Administrator"/>

The roles above are the standard roles in Plone 5. In your profile you only need to list other roles.

The permission must already exist on the Zope level, otherwise you get an error when installing your profile:

ValueError: The permission <em>Pass the bridge</em> is invalid.

A permission is created on the Zope level when it is used in code. See Creating permissions.

When a role in a permission does not exist, it is silently ignored. The roles listed in a permission are not added.

They replace all existing roles.

With acquire="true" (or True, yes, 1) roles are also acquired from the Zope root.


There is no uninstall version for rolemap.xml. purge and remove are not supported. You can set different values for a permission if this makes sense in your case. This will reset the permission to the same settings as on the Zope level:

<permission name="Pass the bridge" acquire="True" />

GenericSetup: Role-permission export / import


The sharing.xml file let you add custom roles to the sharing tab. For reference, visit: Local Roles.


Skins are old fashioned, you may not need this. The more modern way is: use browser views and static directories. But skins are still installed by several add-on packages.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="portal_skins" meta_type="Plone Skins Tool">
  <object name="ATContentTypes" meta_type="Filesystem Directory View"
  <skin-path name="*">
    <layer name="ATContentTypes" insert-after="custom"/>
  • The object is added to the Contents tab of portal_skins.

  • The layer is added to one or more skin selections on the Properties tab of portal_skins.

  • The skin-path name is usually * to add the skin layer to all skin selections (old style themes in portal_skins). It can also contain a specific skin, for example Plone Default, Sunburst Theme, Plone Classic Theme.

You can set a few properties on the portal_skins object. Products.CMFPlone sets good defaults which you should keep:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="portal_skins"
   meta_type="Plone Skins Tool"
   default_skin="Plone Default"
  • The meta_type should always be Plone Skins Tool or be removed. It is ignored.

  • default_skin is the name of the default skin selection.

  • allow_any indicates whether users are allowed to use arbitrary skin paths.

  • cookie_persistence indicates whether the skins cookie is persistent or not.

  • request_varname gets the variable name to look for in the request.

The allow_any, cookie_persistence and request_varname options are old functionality and seem not well supported anymore. No cookie is set. You can choose a skin path even when allow_any is false.

The idea is: if you have the Sunburst Theme as default, and also have the Plone Classic Theme available, you can view the site in the classic theme by visiting this link: http://localhost:8080/Plone?plone_skin=Plone%20Classic%20Theme

Uninstall example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="portal_skins" meta_type="Plone Skins Tool">
 <object name="ATContentTypes" remove="true" />
 <skin-path name="*">
  <layer name="ATContentTypes" remove="true" />


For removing the layer remove="" is sufficient. For removing the object remove="true" is required. Recommended is to use the full remove="true" in both cases.


Deprecated since version 5.0: Since Plone 5.0 this is done in registry.xml instead. The fields are defined in Products.CMFPlone.interfaces.controlpanel.

Import TinyMCE settings.

Code is in Products.TinyMCE.exportimport.


This is used to add a tool to the site.


This is an old way and should not be used in new code. You should probably register a utility instead of a tool. componentregistry.xml might be an alternative, but registering a utility in zcml would be better. If the utility needs configuration, you can use registry.xml.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <required tool_id="portal_atct"
 <required tool_id="portal_factory"
 <required tool_id="portal_metadata"

Uninstall example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <forbidden tool_id="portal_atct" />
 <forbidden tool_id="portal_factory" />
 <forbidden tool_id="portal_metadata" />


Adding a forbidden tool that was first required, like in the example above, is only supported since Products.GenericSetup 1.8.3.

Code is in:

  • Products.GenericSetup.registry._ToolsetParser

  • Products.GenericSetup.registry.ToolsetRegistry

  • Products.GenericSetup.tool.importToolset


This handles the types.xml file and the types directory.


The name of this import step is typeinfo, not types.

Partial example from

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object meta_type="Plone Types Tool" name="portal_types">
  <object meta_type="Dexterity FTI" name="Collection" />
  <object meta_type="Dexterity FTI" name="Document" />
  <object meta_type="Dexterity FTI" name="Folder" />
  <object meta_type="Dexterity FTI" name="Link" />
  <object meta_type="Dexterity FTI" name="File" />
  <object meta_type="Dexterity FTI" name="Image" />
  <object meta_type="Dexterity FTI" name="News Item" />
  <object meta_type="Dexterity FTI" name="Event" />
  <object name="Plone Site"
      meta_type="Factory-based Type Information with dynamic views"/>

This adds content types in the portal_types tool. The meta_type can be:

  • Dexterity FTI for Dexterity content. This is probably what you want.

  • Factory-based Type Information with dynamic views for Archetypes content and for the Plone Site itself

  • Factory-based Type Information for Archetypes content that does not need dynamic views, the ability to choose a view in the display menu.

The types.xml should be accompanied by a types folder with details information on the new types. If you are editing an already existing type, then types.xml is not needed: a file in the types folder is enough.

If the object name in types.xml is Collection then you must add a file types/Collection.xml. This file is in

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="Collection"
        meta_type="Dexterity FTI"
        i18n:domain="plone" xmlns:i18n="">

  <!-- Basic metadata -->
  <property name="title" i18n:translate="">Collection</property>
  <property name="description"
  <property name="global_allow">True</property>
  <property name="filter_content_types">False</property>
  <property name="allowed_content_types" />
  <property name="allow_discussion">False</property>
  <property name="add_permission"></property>
  <property name="klass"></property>
  <property name="schema"></property>
  <property name="model_source"></property>
  <property name="model_file"></property>
  <property name="behaviors" purge="false">
    <element value=""/>
    <element value=""/>
    <element value=""/>
    <element value=""/>
    <element value=""/>
    <element value=""/>
    <element value=""/>
    <element value=""/>
    <element value="" />

  <!-- View information -->
  <property name="default_view">listing_view</property>
  <property name="default_view_fallback">False</property>
  <property name="view_methods">
    <element value="listing_view"/>
    <element value="summary_view"/>
    <element value="tabular_view"/>
    <element value="full_view"/>
    <element value="album_view"/>
    <element value="event_listing"/>

  <!-- Method aliases -->
  <alias from="(Default)" to="(dynamic view)"/>
  <alias from="edit" to="@@edit"/>
  <alias from="sharing" to="@@sharing"/>
  <alias from="view" to="(selected layout)" />

  <!-- Actions -->
  <action title="View" action_id="view" category="object" condition_expr=""
          url_expr="string:${object_url}" visible="True">
    <permission value="View"/>

  <action title="Edit" action_id="edit" category="object" condition_expr=""
          url_expr="string:${object_url}/edit" visible="True">
    <permission value="Modify portal content"/>


For comparison, here is the types.xml from which has an old style Archetypes Collection:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="portal_types">
  <!-- We remove the existing FTI since it could be Dexterity-based and would
       not be compatible in that case.  You get this error when installing:
       ValueError: undefined property 'content_meta_type' -->
  <object name="Collection" remove="True"/>
  <object name="Collection"
          meta_type="Factory-based Type Information with dynamic views" />

And here is the types/Collection.xml from

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="Collection"
        meta_type="Factory-based Type Information with dynamic views"
        i18n:domain="plone" xmlns:i18n="">
  <property name="title" i18n:translate="">Collection</property>
  <property name="description"
            i18n:translate="">Collection of searchable information</property>
  <property name="icon_expr"></property>
  <property name="content_meta_type">Collection</property>
  <property name="product"></property>
  <property name="factory">addCollection</property>
  <property name="immediate_view">standard_view</property>
  <property name="global_allow">True</property>
  <property name="filter_content_types">True</property>
  <property name="allowed_content_types"/>
  <property name="allow_discussion">False</property>
  <property name="default_view">standard_view</property>
  <property name="view_methods">
    <element value="standard_view" />
    <element value="summary_view" />
    <element value="all_content" />
    <element value="tabular_view" />
    <element value="thumbnail_view" />
  <alias from="(Default)" to="(dynamic view)" />
  <alias from="edit" to="atct_edit" />
  <alias from="sharing" to="@@sharing" />
  <alias from="view" to="(selected layout)" />
  <action title="View" action_id="view" category="object" condition_expr=""
          url_expr="string:${object_url}/" visible="True">
    <permission value="View" />
  <action title="Edit" action_id="edit" category="object" condition_expr=""
          url_expr="string:${object_url}/edit" visible="True">
    <permission value="Modify portal content" />

Uninstall example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="portal_types">
  <object name="Collection" remove="true"/>


The remove keyword is supported for actions. remove="" is enough, but recommended is to use remove="true".

The view_methods property is a list that is always imported fresh. Elements that are not in the list, are removed. If you only want to add an element and want to keep any existing elements, you can tell it not to purge:

<property name="view_methods" purge="False">
  <element value="new_view" />

This does not work for the allowed_content_types: they are always purged.


You can use your own i18n domain.


The following examples would all be added into the viewlets.xml file.

Re-order viewlets:

<order manager="plone.portaltop" skinname="Plone
  <viewlet name="plone.header"/>
  <viewlet name="plone.personal_bar"/>

Move a viewlet using insert-before and insert-after (this will only affect the skinname that is specified, in this case ‘My Custom Theme’):

<order manager="plone.portalheader" skinname="My
Custom Theme" based-on="Plone Default">
  <viewlet name="plone.global_sections" insertbefore="*"/>
  <viewlet name="plone.site_actions" insertafter="plone.searchbox"/>

Hide a viewlet (here we hide the colophon for ‘My Custom Theme’):

<hidden manager="plone.portalfooter" skinname="My
Custom Theme">
  <viewlet name="plone.colophon"/>

Unhide (or show) a specific viewlet using the remove attribute:

<hidden manager="plone.portalfooter" skinname="My
Custom Theme">
  <viewlet name="plone.colophon" remove="True"/>

Unhide (or show) all viewlets for a given manager using the purge attribute:

<hidden manager="plone.portalfooter" skinname="My
Custom Theme" purge="True"/>

Hide a viewlet for all skins:

<hidden manager="plone.portalfooter" skinname="*">
  <viewlet name="plone.colophon"/>

Pro Tip: Using skinname=”*” currently only works if the manager has already been registered in each skin.


This handles the workflows.xml file and the workflows directory.

Example from Products/CMFPlone/profiles/default/workflows.xml in Plone 5.0:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="portal_workflow" meta_type="Plone Workflow Tool">
      name="title">Contains workflow definitions for your portal</property>
  <object name="folder_workflow" meta_type="Workflow"/>
  <object name="intranet_folder_workflow" meta_type="Workflow"/>
  <object name="intranet_workflow" meta_type="Workflow"/>
  <object name="one_state_workflow" meta_type="Workflow"/>
  <object name="plone_workflow" meta_type="Workflow"/>
  <object name="simple_publication_workflow" meta_type="Workflow"/>
      <bound-workflow workflow_id="simple_publication_workflow"/>
    <type type_id="ATBooleanCriterion"/>
    <type type_id="ATCurrentAuthorCriterion"/>
    <type type_id="ATDateCriteria"/>
    <type type_id="ATDateRangeCriterion"/>
    <type type_id="ATListCriterion"/>
    <type type_id="ATPathCriterion"/>
    <type type_id="ATPortalTypeCriterion"/>
    <type type_id="ATReferenceCriterion"/>
    <type type_id="ATRelativePathCriterion"/>
    <type type_id="ATSelectionCriterion"/>
    <type type_id="ATSimpleIntCriterion"/>
    <type type_id="ATSimpleStringCriterion"/>
    <type type_id="ATSortCriterion"/>
    <type type_id="Discussion Item"/>
    <type type_id="File"/>
    <type type_id="Image"/>
    <type type_id="Plone Site"/>

This adds six workflows in the portal_workflow tool. It sets the default workflow to simple_publication_workflow.

It sets several types to not use any workflow.

Next to this, the workflows directory is checked. This contains sub directories with the same name as the workflows. Each sub directory contains a file definition.xml with the definition for this workflow.

See the Plone workflows.

Code is in Products.DCWorkflow.exportimport.