Install Plone Using A Minimal Buildout¶
This example is adequate for a quick evaluation.
Do not use it in production !
Create a directory called Plone-5 and enter it:
mkdir Plone-5
cd Plone-5
Create a virtual python environment (virtualenv) and install zc.buildout:
virtualenv-2.7 zinstance
cd zinstance
bin/pip install zc.buildout
Create a buildout.cfg file:
echo """
extends =
parts =
recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
user = admin:admin
http-address = 8080
eggs =
""" > buildout.cfg
Run buildout:
This will start a long download and build process.
You can ignore Errors like SyntaxError: ("'return' outside function"..."
After it finished you can start Plone in foreground-mode with:
./bin/instance fg
You can stop it with ctrl + c
Start and stop this Plone-instance in production-mode like this;
./bin/instance start
./bin/instance stop
Plone will run on port 8080 you can access your install via http://localhost:8080.
Use login id “admin” and password “admin” for initial login so you can create a site.