Static resources

Adding images and stylesheets

Earlier in this manual, we have seen how to create views, and how to use file and image fields. These are all dynamic, however, and often we just want to ship with a static image/icon, CSS or JavaScript file. For this, we need to register static resources.

Registering a static resource directory

The easiest way to manage static resources is to create a static resource directory in your Dexterity project using the ZCML resourceDirectory directive.

Registration of the resource directory is done using the <browser:resourceDirectory /> ZCML directive. This requires two attributes: name is the name that appears after the ++resource++ namespace; directory is a relative path to the directory containing resources.

It’s conventional to use “static” for the directory name and the dotted name of your package for the resource name. You would use this zcml to register it:

  directory="static" />

Then, if a “static” resource directory in the example.conference package contains a file called conference.css, it will be accessible on a URL like http://<server>/site/++resource++example.conference/conference.css. The resource name is the same as the package name wherein the resources directory appears.

Importing CSS and JavaScript files in templates

One common use of static resources is to add a static CSS or JavaScript file to a specific template. We can do this by filling the style_slot or javascript_slot in Plone’s main_template in our own view template and using an appropriate resource link.

For example, we could add the following near the top of presenter_templates/

    <metal:block fill-slot="style_slot">
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
            tal:define="navroot context/@@plone_portal_state/navigation_root_url"
            tal:attributes="href string:${navroot}/++resource++example.conference/conference.css"


Always create the resource URL relative to the navigation root as shown here, so that the URL is the same for all content objects using this view. This allows for efficient resource caching.

Registering resources with Plone’s resource registries

Sometimes it is more appropriate to register a stylesheet with Plone’s portal_css registry (or a JavaScript file with portal_javascripts), rather than add the registration on a per-template basis. This ensures that the resource is available site-wide.


It may seem wasteful to include a resource that is not be used on all pages in the global registry. Remember, however, that portal_css and portal_javascripts will merge and compress resources, and set caching headers such that browsers and caching proxies can cache resources well. It is often more effective to have one slightly larger file that caches well, than to have a variable number of files that may need to be loaded at different times.

To add a static resource file, you can use the GenericSetup cssregistry.xml or jsregistry.xml import steps in the profiles/default directory. For example, an import step to add the conference.css file site-wide may involve a cssregistry.xml file that looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="portal_css">
 <stylesheet id="++resource++example.conference/conference.css"
    title="" cacheable="True" compression="safe" cookable="True"
    enabled="1" expression="" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" rendering="import"

Similarly, a JavaScript resource could be imported with a jsregistry.xml like:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="portal_javascripts">
 <javascript cacheable="True" compression="none" cookable="True"
    enabled="False" expression=""
    id="++resource++example.conference/conference.js" inline="False"/>

Image resources

Images can be added to resource directories just like any other type of resource. To use the image in a view, you can construct an <img /> tag like this:

<img style="float: left; margin-right: 2px; margin-top: 2px"
     tal:define="navroot context/@@plone_portal_state/navigation_root_url"
     tal:attributes="src string:${navroot}/++resource++example.conference/program.gif"

Content type icons

Finally, to use an image resource as the icon for a content type, simply list it in the FTI under the content_icon property. For example, in profiles/default/types/example.conference.presenter.xml, we can use the following line, presuming we have a presenter.gif in the example.conference resource directory:

<property name="content_icon">++resource++example.conference/presenter.gif</property>