Caching proxy options


install_proxycache: (yes|no)

Do you want to install the Varnish reverse-proxy cache? Default is yes.


If you decide not to use a proxy cache, you will need to make sure that the proxycache_port setting points to your load balancer front end. If you are not using a load balancer, you must make sure that proxycache_port points to the main ZEO client.


proxycache_port: 5081

The front-end address for the proxy cache. Defaults to 6081.


We assume the varnish cache and admin ports are firewalled and that you will administer the cache via ssh.


proxycache_size: 512m

Sets the Varnish cache size. Default is 256m – 256 megabytes.


proxycache_method: file

Use this to specify Varnish’s cache mechanism. Default is malloc.


Use this variable to determine whether or not Varnish blocks the HTTP Authorization header, which is used in basic auth. This is set to on by default, thus blocking Zope’s basic auth, which generally should not be exposed to the Internet.

Cache controls

These settings fine-tune the cache rules.

# allow compression for all except these extensions
nocompress_ext: (jpg|png|gif|gz|tgz|bz2|tbz|mp3|ogg)

# never set cookies on responses with these extensions
no_response_cookie_ext: (pdf|asc|dat|txt|doc|xls|ppt|tgz|png|gif|jpeg|jpg|ico|swf|css|js)

# To improve caching, on incoming requests remove all except these cookies
cache_sanitize_cookie_exceptions: (statusmessages|__ac|_ZopeId|__cp)

# When these cookies are not found, mark request with
# X-Anonymous header to allow split caching.
nonanonymous_cookies: __ac(|_(name|password|persistent))

# Adds miscellaneous VCL in vcl_recv; see the template files for location

# Adds code inside backend stanzas. Most commonly used to set timeouts.

Defaults are as indicated in the example. Don’t change these without giving it some thought.