Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from Acquisition import aq_parent
from OFS.SimpleItem import SimpleItem
from import dt_start_of_day
from import guess_date_from
from plone.event.interfaces import IEventAccessor
from plone.event.interfaces import IEventRecurrence
from plone.event.interfaces import IOccurrence
from plone.event.interfaces import IRecurrenceSupport
from plone.event.recurrence import recurrence_sequence_ical
from plone.event.utils import is_same_day
from plone.event.utils import pydt
from plone.namedfile.interfaces import IImageScaleTraversable
from plone.namedfile.scaling import ImageScaling
from Products.CMFPlone.utils import safe_unicode
from Products.Five.browser import BrowserView
from zope.component import adapter
from zope.interface import implementer
from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserRequest

import datetime

    from repoze.zope2.publishtraverse import DefaultPublishTraverse
except ImportError:
    from ZPublisher.BaseRequest import DefaultPublishTraverse

[docs]@adapter(IEventRecurrence) @implementer(IRecurrenceSupport) class RecurrenceSupport(object): """IRecurrenceSupport Adapter. """ def __init__(self, context): self.context = context
[docs] def occurrences(self, range_start=None, range_end=None): """Return all occurrences of an event, possibly within a start and end limit. :param range_start: Optional start datetime, from which you want occurrences be returned. :type range_start: Python datetime :param range_end: Optional start datetime, from which you want occurrences be returned. :type range_end: Python datetime :returns: List of occurrences, including the start event. :rtype: IEvent or IOccurrence based objects Please note: Events beginning before range_start but ending afterwards won't be found. TODO: really? TODO: test with event start = 21st feb, event end = start+36h, recurring for 10 days, range_start = 1st mar, range_end = last Mark """ event = IEventAccessor(self.context) # We try to get IEventBasic start without including recurrence event_start = getattr(self.context, 'start', None) if not event_start: event_start = event.start elif getattr(event, 'whole_day', None): event_start = dt_start_of_day(event_start) # We get event ends by adding a duration to the start. This way, we # prevent that the start and end lists are of different size if an # event starts before range_start but ends afterwards. if (getattr(event, 'whole_day', None) or getattr(event, 'open_end', None)): duration = datetime.timedelta(hours=23, minutes=59, seconds=59) else: event_end = getattr(self.context, 'end', None) duration = event_end - event_start starts = recurrence_sequence_ical(event_start, recrule=event.recurrence, from_=range_start, until=range_end, duration=duration) # XXX potentially occurrence won't need to be wrapped anymore # but doing it for backwards compatibility as views/templates # still rely on acquisition-wrapped objects. def get_obj(start): if pydt(event_start.replace(microsecond=0)) == start: # If the occurrence date is the same as the event object, the # occurrence is the event itself. return it as such. # Dates from recurrence_sequence_ical are explicitly without # microseconds, while event.start may contain it. So we have to # remove it for a valid comparison. return self.context return Occurrence( id=str(, start=start, end=start + duration).__of__(self.context) for start in starts: yield get_obj(start)
[docs]@adapter(IEventRecurrence, IBrowserRequest) class OccurrenceTraverser(DefaultPublishTraverse): """Generic Occurrence traverser. Please note: the .at and .dx subpackages implement their own Occurrence traversers. """ def publishTraverse(self, request, name): context = self.context dateobj = guess_date_from(name, context) if dateobj: occs = IRecurrenceSupport(context).occurrences(range_start=dateobj) try: occurrence = next(occs) occ_acc = IEventAccessor(occurrence) if is_same_day(dateobj, occ_acc.start): return occurrence except StopIteration: pass return self.fallbackTraverse(request, name) def fallbackTraverse(self, request, name): return super(OccurrenceTraverser, self).publishTraverse(request, name)
[docs]@implementer(IOccurrence) class Occurrence(SimpleItem): """Transient Occurrence object, representing an individual event in a recurrecne set. """ def __init__(self, id, start, end): = id self.start = start self.end = end self.portal_type = 'Occurrence'
[docs]@adapter(IOccurrence) @implementer(IEventAccessor) class EventOccurrenceAccessor(object): """Generic event accessor adapter implementation for Occurrence objects. """ def __init__(self, context): object.__setattr__(self, 'context', context) own_attr = ['start', 'end', 'url'] object.__setattr__(self, '_own_attr', own_attr) def _get_context(self, name): # TODO: save parent context on self, so it must not be called every # time oa = self._own_attr if name in oa: return self.context else: return IEventAccessor(aq_parent(self.context)) def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self._get_context(name), name, None) def __setattr__(self, name, value): return setattr(self._get_context(name), name, value) def __delattr__(self, name): delattr(self._get_context(name), name) # R/O properties # TODO: Having uid here makes probably no sense, since Occurrences are # created on the fly and not persistent. @property def url(self): return safe_unicode(self.context.absolute_url())
[docs]class ImageScalingViewFactory(BrowserView): """Factory for ImageScaling view for Occurrences. Delegates to parent @@images view. """ def __new__(cls, context, request): parent = aq_parent(context) if IImageScaleTraversable.providedBy(parent): return ImageScaling(parent, request) return None