# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from plone.app.event import _
from plone.app.event import base
from plone.app.event.base import AnnotationAdapter
from plone.app.event.interfaces import IICalendarImportEnabled
from plone.event.interfaces import IEventAccessor
from plone.event.utils import date_to_datetime
from plone.event.utils import is_date
from plone.event.utils import is_datetime
from plone.event.utils import utc
from plone.folder.interfaces import IFolder
from plone.namedfile.field import NamedFile
from plone.z3cform.layout import FormWrapper
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Products.CMFPlone.utils import safe_unicode
from Products.Five.browser import BrowserView
from Products.statusmessages.interfaces import IStatusMessage
from six.moves import urllib
from z3c.form import button
from z3c.form import field
from z3c.form import form
from zope import schema
from zope.component import adapter
from zope.container.interfaces import INameChooser
from zope.event import notify
from zope.interface import alsoProvides
from zope.interface import implementer
from zope.interface import Interface
from zope.interface import Invalid
from zope.interface import noLongerProvides
from zope.lifecycleevent import ObjectModifiedEvent
import datetime
import icalendar
import random
import six
import transaction
def ical_import(container, ics_resource, event_type,
cal = icalendar.Calendar.from_ical(ics_resource)
events = cal.walk('VEVENT')
cat = getToolByName(container, 'portal_catalog')
container_path = '/'.join(container.getPhysicalPath())
def _get_by_sync_uid(uid):
return cat(
path={'query': container_path, 'depth': 1}
def _get_prop(prop, item, default=None):
ret = default
if prop in item:
ret = safe_unicode(item.decoded(prop))
return ret
def _from_list(ical, prop):
"""For EXDATE and RDATE recurrence component properties, the dates can
be defined within one EXDATE/RDATE line or for each date an individual
In the latter case, icalendar creates a list.
This method handles this case.
TODO: component property parameters like TZID are not used here.
val = ical[prop] if prop in ical else []
if not isinstance(val, list):
val = [val]
# Zip multiple lines into one, since jquery.recurrenceinput.js does
# not support multiple lines here
# https://github.com/collective/jquery.recurrenceinput.js/issues/15
ret = ''
for item in val:
ret = '%s,' % ret if ret else ret # insert linebreak
ical_val = item.to_ical()
if six.PY3 and isinstance(ical_val, six.binary_type):
ical_val = ical_val.decode('utf8')
ret = '%s%s' % (ret, ical_val)
return '%s:%s' % (prop, ret) if ret else None
count = 0
for item in events:
start = _get_prop('DTSTART', item)
end = _get_prop('DTEND', item)
if not end:
duration = _get_prop('DURATION', item)
if duration:
end = start + duration
# else: whole day or open end
whole_day = False
open_end = False
if is_date(start) and (is_date(end) or end is None):
# All day / whole day events
# End must be same type as start (RFC5545,
whole_day = True
if end is None:
end = start
if start < end:
# RFC5545 doesn't define clearly, if all day events should have
# a end date one day after the start day at 0:00.
# Internally, we handle all day events with start=0:00,
# end=:23:59:59, so we substract one day here.
end = end - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
start = base.dt_start_of_day(date_to_datetime(start))
end = base.dt_end_of_day(date_to_datetime(end))
elif is_datetime(start) and end is None:
# Open end event, see RFC 5545, 3.6.1
open_end = True
end = base.dt_end_of_day(date_to_datetime(start))
# Set timezone, if not already set
tz = base.default_timezone(container, as_tzinfo=True)
if not getattr(start, 'tzinfo', False):
start = tz.localize(start)
if not getattr(end, 'tzinfo', False):
end = tz.localize(end)
title = _get_prop('SUMMARY', item)
description = _get_prop('DESCRIPTION', item)
location = _get_prop('LOCATION', item)
url = _get_prop('URL', item)
rrule = _get_prop('RRULE', item)
rrule = rrule.to_ical() if rrule else ''
if rrule:
if six.PY3 and isinstance(rrule, six.binary_type):
rrule = rrule.decode('utf8')
rrule = 'RRULE:%s' % rrule
rdates = _from_list(item, 'RDATE')
exdates = _from_list(item, 'EXDATE')
rrule = '\n'.join([it for it in [rrule, rdates, exdates] if it])
# TODO: attendee-lists are not decoded properly and contain only
# vCalAddress values
attendees = item.get('ATTENDEE', ())
contact = _get_prop('CONTACT', item)
categories = item.get('CATEGORIES', ())
if getattr(categories, '__iter__', False):
categories = tuple([safe_unicode(it) for it in categories])
ext_modified = utc(_get_prop('LAST-MODIFIED', item))
content = None
new_content_id = None
existing_event = None
sync_uid = _get_prop('UID', item)
if sync_uid and sync_strategy is not base.SYNC_NONE:
existing_event = _get_by_sync_uid(sync_uid)
if existing_event:
if sync_strategy == base.SYNC_KEEP_MINE:
# On conflict, keep mine
exist_event = existing_event[0].getObject()
acc = IEventAccessor(exist_event)
if sync_strategy == base.SYNC_KEEP_NEWER and\
(not ext_modified or acc.last_modified > ext_modified):
# Update only if modified date was passed in and it is not
# older than the current modified date. The client is not
# expected to update the "last-modified" property, it is the
# job of the server (calendar store) to keep it up to date.
# This makes sure the client did the change on an up-to-date
# version of the object. See
# http://tools.ietf.org/search/rfc5545#section-
# Else: update
content = exist_event
new_content_id = str(random.randint(0, 99999999))
content = container[new_content_id]
assert(content) # At this point, a content must be available.
event = IEventAccessor(content)
event.title = title
event.description = description
event.start = start
event.end = end
event.whole_day = whole_day
event.open_end = open_end
event.location = location
event.event_url = url
event.recurrence = rrule
event.attendees = attendees
event.contact_name = contact
event.subjects = categories
if sync_uid and sync_strategy is not base.SYNC_NONE:
# Set the external sync_uid for sync strategies other than
event.sync_uid = sync_uid
# Use commits instead of savepoints to avoid "FileStorageError:
# description too long" on large imports.
transaction.get().commit() # Commit before rename
if new_content_id and new_content_id in container:
# Rename with new id from title, if processForm didn't do it.
chooser = INameChooser(container)
new_id = chooser.chooseName(title, content)
content.aq_parent.manage_renameObject(new_content_id, new_id)
# Do this at the end, otherwise it's overwritten
if ext_modified:
event.last_modified = ext_modified
count += 1
return {'count': count}
[docs]def no_file_protocol_url(value):
"""Validator for ical_url: we do not want file:// urls.
This opens up security issues.
if value and value.startswith("file:"):
raise Invalid(_(u"URLs with file: are not allowed."))
return True
class IIcalendarImportSettings(Interface):
event_type = schema.Choice(
title=_('ical_import_event_type_title', default=u'Event Type'),
default=u"Content type of the event, which is created when "
u"importing icalendar resources."),
ical_url = schema.URI(
title=_('ical_import_url_title', default=u'Icalendar URL'),
default=u"URL to an external icalendar resource file."),
ical_file = NamedFile(
title=_('ical_import_file_title', default=u"Icalendar File"),
default=u"Icalendar resource file, if no URL is given."),
sync_strategy = schema.Choice(
default=u"Synchronization Strategy"
default=u"""Defines how to synchronize:
1) "Keep newer": Import, if the imported event is modified after the existing
2) "Keep mine": On conflicts, just do nothing.
3) "Keep theirs": On conflicts, update the existing event with the external
4) "No Syncing": Don't synchronize but import events and create new ones, even
if they already exist. For each one, create a new sync_uid."""),
class IcalendarImportSettings(AnnotationAdapter):
"""Annotation Adapter for IIcalendarImportSettings.
ANNOTATION_KEY = "icalendar_import_settings"