Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from Acquisition import aq_inner
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from import IContentListingObject
from import default_timezone
from import get_events
from import RET_MODE_BRAINS
from plone.event.interfaces import IEvent
from plone.event.interfaces import IEventAccessor
from plone.event.interfaces import IICalendar
from plone.event.interfaces import IICalendarEventComponent
from plone.event.interfaces import IOccurrence
from plone.event.utils import is_datetime
from plone.event.utils import tzdel
from plone.event.utils import utc
from Products.ZCatalog.interfaces import ICatalogBrain
from zope.interface import implementer
from zope.publisher.browser import BrowserView

import icalendar
import pytz

PRODID = "-//"
VERSION = "2.0"

[docs]def construct_icalendar(context, events): """Returns an icalendar.Calendar object. :param context: A content object, which is used for calendar details like Title and Description. Usually a container, collection or the event itself. :param events: The list of event objects, which are included in this calendar. """ cal = icalendar.Calendar() cal.add('prodid', PRODID) cal.add('version', VERSION) cal_tz = default_timezone(context) if cal_tz: cal.add('x-wr-timezone', cal_tz) tzmap = {} if not getattr(events, '__getitem__', False): events = [events] for event in events: if ICatalogBrain.providedBy(event) or\ IContentListingObject.providedBy(event): event = event.getObject() if not (IEvent.providedBy(event) or IOccurrence.providedBy(event)): # Must be an event. continue acc = IEventAccessor(event) tz = acc.timezone # TODO: the standard wants each recurrence to have a valid timezone # definition. sounds decent, but not realizable. if not acc.whole_day: # whole day events are exported as dates without # timezone information if isinstance(tz, tuple): tz_start, tz_end = tz else: tz_start = tz_end = tz tzmap = add_to_zones_map(tzmap, tz_start, acc.start) tzmap = add_to_zones_map(tzmap, tz_end, acc.end) cal.add_component(IICalendarEventComponent(event).to_ical()) for (tzid, transitions) in tzmap.items(): cal_tz = icalendar.Timezone() cal_tz.add('tzid', tzid) cal_tz.add('x-lic-location', tzid) for (transition, tzinfo) in transitions.items(): if tzinfo['dst']: cal_tz_sub = icalendar.TimezoneDaylight() else: cal_tz_sub = icalendar.TimezoneStandard() cal_tz_sub.add('tzname', tzinfo['name']) cal_tz_sub.add('dtstart', transition) cal_tz_sub.add('tzoffsetfrom', tzinfo['tzoffsetfrom']) cal_tz_sub.add('tzoffsetto', tzinfo['tzoffsetto']) # TODO: add rrule # tzi.add('rrule', # {'freq': 'yearly', 'bymonth': 10, 'byday': '-1su'}) cal_tz.add_component(cal_tz_sub) cal.add_component(cal_tz) return cal
[docs]def add_to_zones_map(tzmap, tzid, dt): """Build a dictionary of timezone information from a timezone identifier and a date/time object for which the timezone information should be calculated. :param tzmap: An existing dictionary of timezone information to be extended or an empty dictionary. :type tzmap: dictionary :param tzid: A timezone identifier. :type tzid: string :param dt: A datetime object. :type dt: datetime :returns: A dictionary with timezone information needed to build VTIMEZONE entries. :rtype: dictionary """ if tzid.lower() == 'utc' or not is_datetime(dt): # no need to define UTC nor timezones for date objects. return tzmap null = datetime(1, 1, 1) tz = pytz.timezone(tzid) transitions = getattr(tz, '_utc_transition_times', None) if not transitions: return tzmap # we need transition definitions dtzl = tzdel(utc(dt)) # get transition time, which is the dtstart of timezone. # the key function returns the value to compare with. as long as item # is smaller or equal like the dt value in UTC, return the item. as # soon as it becomes greater, compare with the smallest possible # datetime, which wouldn't create a match within the max-function. this # way we get the maximum transition time which is smaller than the # given datetime. transition = max(transitions, key=lambda item: item if item <= dtzl else null) # get previous transition to calculate tzoffsetfrom idx = transitions.index(transition) prev_idx = idx - 1 if idx > 0 else idx prev_transition = transitions[prev_idx] def localize(tz, dt): if dt is null: # dummy time, edge case # (dt at beginning of all transitions, see above.) return null return pytz.utc.localize(dt).astimezone(tz) # naive to utc + localize transition = localize(tz, transition) dtstart = tzdel(transition) # timezone dtstart must be in local time prev_transition = localize(tz, prev_transition) if tzid not in tzmap: tzmap[tzid] = {} # initial if dtstart in tzmap[tzid]: return tzmap # already there tzmap[tzid][dtstart] = { 'dst': transition.dst() > timedelta(0), 'name': transition.tzname(), 'tzoffsetfrom': prev_transition.utcoffset(), 'tzoffsetto': transition.utcoffset(), # TODO: recurrence rule } return tzmap
[docs]@implementer(IICalendar) def calendar_from_event(context): """Event adapter. Returns an icalendar.Calendar object from an Event context. """ context = aq_inner(context) return construct_icalendar(context, [context])
[docs]@implementer(IICalendar) def calendar_from_container(context): """Container adapter. Returns an icalendar.Calendar object from a Containerish context like a Folder. """ context = aq_inner(context) path = '/'.join(context.getPhysicalPath()) result = get_events(context, ret_mode=RET_MODE_BRAINS, expand=False, path=path) return construct_icalendar(context, result)
[docs]@implementer(IICalendar) def calendar_from_collection(context): """Container/Event adapter. Returns an icalendar.Calendar object from a Collection. """ context = aq_inner(context) # The keyword argument brains=False was added to # after 1.0 result = context.results(batch=False, sort_on='start') return construct_icalendar(context, result)
[docs]@implementer(IICalendarEventComponent) class ICalendarEventComponent(object): """Returns an icalendar object of the event. """ def __init__(self, context): self.context = context self.event = IEventAccessor(self.context) self.ical = icalendar.Event() @property def dtstamp(self): # must be in uc return {'value': utc(} @property def created(self): # must be in uc return {'value': utc(self.event.created)} @property def last_modified(self): # must be in uc return {'value': utc(self.event.last_modified)} @property def uid(self): return {'value': self.event.sync_uid} @property def url(self): return {'value': self.event.url} @property def summary(self): return {'value': self.event.title} @property def description(self): return {'value': self.event.description} @property def dtstart(self): if self.event.whole_day: # RFC5545, 3.6.1 # For cases where a "VEVENT" calendar component # specifies a "DTSTART" property with a DATE value type but no # "DTEND" nor "DURATION" property, the event's duration is taken to # be one day. return {'value':} # Normal case + Open End case: # RFC5545, 3.6.1 # For cases where a "VEVENT" calendar component # specifies a "DTSTART" property with a DATE-TIME value type but no # "DTEND" property, the event ends on the same calendar date and # time of day specified by the "DTSTART" property. return {'value': self.event.start} @property def dtend(self): if self.event.whole_day: # RFC5545, 3.6.1 # For cases where a "VEVENT" calendar component # specifies a "DTSTART" property with a DATE value type but no # "DTEND" nor "DURATION" property, the event's duration is taken to # be one day. # # RFC5545 doesn't define clearly, if all-day events should have # a end date on the same date or one day after the start day at # 0:00. Most icalendar libraries use the latter method. # Internally, whole_day events end on the same day one second # before midnight. Using the RFC5545 preferred method for # seems not appropriate, since we would have to fix # the date to end a day before for displaying. # For exporting, we let whole_day events end on the next day at # midnight. # See: # # -appointments-in-ics-files # # return {'value': + timedelta(days=1)} elif self.event.open_end: # RFC5545, 3.6.1 # For cases where a "VEVENT" calendar component # specifies a "DTSTART" property with a DATE-TIME value type but no # "DTEND" property, the event ends on the same calendar date and # time of day specified by the "DTSTART" property. return None return {'value': self.event.end} @property def recurrence(self): if not self.event.recurrence or IOccurrence.providedBy(self.context): return None ret = [] for recdef in self.event.recurrence.split(): prop, val = recdef.split(':') if prop == 'RRULE': ret.append({ 'property': prop, 'value': icalendar.prop.vRecur.from_ical(val) }) elif prop in ('EXDATE', 'RDATE'): factory = icalendar.prop.vDDDLists # localize ex/rdate # TODO: should better already be localized by event object tzid = self.event.timezone if isinstance(tzid, tuple): tzid = tzid[0] # get list of datetime values from ical string try: dtlist = factory.from_ical(val, timezone=tzid) except ValueError: # TODO: caused by a bug in plone.formwidget.recurrence, # where the recurrencewidget or plone.event fails with # COUNT=1 and a extra RDATE. # TODO: REMOVE this workaround, once this failure is # fixed in recurrence widget. continue ret.append({ 'property': prop, 'value': dtlist }) return ret @property def location(self): return {'value': self.event.location} @property def attendee(self): # TODO: revisit and implement attendee export according to RFC ret = [] for attendee in self.event.attendees or []: att = icalendar.prop.vCalAddress(attendee) att.params['cn'] = icalendar.prop.vText(attendee) att.params['ROLE'] = icalendar.prop.vText('REQ-PARTICIPANT') ret.append(att) return {'value': ret} @property def contact(self): cn = [] event = self.event if event.contact_name: cn.append(event.contact_name) if event.contact_phone: cn.append(event.contact_phone) if event.contact_email: cn.append(event.contact_email) if event.event_url: cn.append(event.event_url) return {'value': u', '.join(cn)} @property def categories(self): ret = [] for cat in self.event.subjects or []: ret.append(cat) if ret: return {'value': ret} @property def geo(self): """Not implemented. """ return def ical_add(self, prop, val): if not val: return if not isinstance(val, list): val = [val] for _val in val: assert(isinstance(_val, dict)) value = _val['value'] if not value: continue prop = _val.get('property', prop) params = _val.get('parameters', None) self.ical.add(prop, value, params) def to_ical(self): # TODO: event.text ical_add = self.ical_add ical_add('dtstamp', self.dtstamp) ical_add('created', self.created) ical_add('last-modified', self.last_modified) ical_add('uid', self.uid) ical_add('url', self.url) ical_add('summary', self.summary) ical_add('description', self.description) ical_add('dtstart', self.dtstart) ical_add('dtend', self.dtend) ical_add(None, self.recurrence) # property key set via val ical_add('location', self.location) ical_add('attendee', self.attendee) ical_add('contact', ical_add('categories', self.categories) ical_add('geo', self.geo) return self.ical
[docs]class EventsICal(BrowserView): """Returns events in iCal format. """ def get_ical_string(self): cal = IICalendar(self.context) return cal.to_ical() def __call__(self): ical = self.get_ical_string() name = '{0}.ics'.format(self.context.getId()) self.request.response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/calendar') self.request.response.setHeader( 'Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="{0}"'.format(name) ) self.request.response.setHeader('Content-Length', len(ical)) self.request.response.write(ical)