# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Module that provides functionality for content manipulation."""
from copy import copy as _copy
from pkg_resources import DistributionNotFound
from pkg_resources import get_distribution
from pkg_resources import parse_version
from plone.api import portal
from plone.api.exc import InvalidParameterError
from plone.api.validation import at_least_one_of
from plone.api.validation import mutually_exclusive_parameters
from plone.api.validation import required_parameters
from plone.app.linkintegrity.exceptions import LinkIntegrityNotificationException # noqa
from plone.app.uuid.utils import uuidToObject
from plone.uuid.interfaces import IUUID
from Products.CMFCore.WorkflowCore import WorkflowException
from zope.component import getMultiAdapter
from zope.component import getSiteManager
from zope.container.interfaces import INameChooser
from zope.interface import Interface
from zope.interface import providedBy
import random
import transaction
except DistributionNotFound:
class IBaseObject(Interface):
"""Fake Products.Archetypes.interfaces.base.IBaseObject"""
from Products.Archetypes.interfaces.base import IBaseObject
# Old linkintegrity (Plone <= 5.0b4) or new (Plone > 5.0b4)
linkintegrity_version = get_distribution('plone.app.linkintegrity').version
if parse_version(linkintegrity_version) >= parse_version('3.0.dev0'):
_marker = []
[docs]@required_parameters('container', 'type')
@at_least_one_of('id', 'title')
def create(
**kwargs # NOQA: C816, S101
"""Create a new content item.
:param container: [required] Container object in which to create the new
:type container: Folderish content object
:param type: [required] Type of the object.
:type type: string
:param id: Id of the object. If the id conflicts with another object in
the container, a suffix will be added to the new object's id. If no id
is provided, automatically generate one from the title. If there is no
id or title provided, raise a ValueError.
:type id: string
:param title: Title of the object. If no title is provided, use id as
the title.
:type title: string
:param safe_id: When False, the given id will be enforced. If the id is
conflicting with another object in the target container, raise an
InvalidParameterError. When True, choose a new, non-conflicting id.
:type safe_id: boolean
:returns: Content object
:Example: :ref:`content_create_example`
# Create a temporary id if the id is not given
content_id = not safe_id and id or str(random.randint(0, 99999999))
if title:
kwargs['title'] = title
container.invokeFactory(type, content_id, **kwargs)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# UnicodeDecodeError is a subclass of ValueError,
# so will be swallowed below unless we re-raise it here
except ValueError as e:
types = [fti.getId() for fti in container.allowedContentTypes()]
raise InvalidParameterError(
"Cannot add a '{obj_type}' object to the container.\n"
'Allowed types are:\n'
content = container[content_id]
# Archetypes specific code
if IBaseObject.providedBy(content):
# Will finish Archetypes content item creation process,
# rename-after-creation and such
# Passing values as a dict with None values so values set by
# invokeFactory don't get overridden.
# '': '' is required so that bool(values) is True.
content.processForm(values={'': ''})
if not id or (safe_id and id):
# Create a new id from title
chooser = INameChooser(container)
derived_id = id or title
new_id = chooser.chooseName(derived_id, content)
# kacee: we must do a partial commit, else the renaming fails because
# the object isn't in the zodb.
# Thus if it is not in zodb, there's nothing to move. We should
# choose a correct id when
# the object is created.
# maurits: tests run fine without this though.
content.aq_parent.manage_renameObject(content_id, new_id)
return content
[docs]@mutually_exclusive_parameters('path', 'UID')
@at_least_one_of('path', 'UID')
def get(path=None, UID=None):
"""Get an object.
:param path: Path to the object we want to get, relative to
the portal root.
:type path: string
:param UID: UID of the object we want to get.
:type UID: string
:returns: Content object
:Example: :ref:`content_get_example`
if path:
site = portal.get()
site_absolute_path = '/'.join(site.getPhysicalPath())
if not path.startswith('{path}'.format(path=site_absolute_path)):
path = '{site_path}{relative_path}'.format(
return site.restrictedTraverse(path)
except (KeyError, AttributeError):
return None # When no object is found don't raise an error
elif UID:
return uuidToObject(UID)
@at_least_one_of('target', 'id')
def move(source=None, target=None, id=None, safe_id=False):
"""Move the object to the target container.
:param source: [required] Object that we want to move.
:type source: Content object
:param target: Target container to which the source object will
be moved. If no target is specified, the source object's container will
be used as a target, effectively making this operation a rename
:type target: Folderish content object
:param id: Pass this parameter if you want to change the id of the moved
object on the target location. If the new id conflicts with another
object in the target container, a suffix will be added to the moved
object's id.
:type id: string
:param safe_id: When False, the given id will be enforced. If the id is
conflicting with another object in the target container, raise a
InvalidParameterError. When True, choose a new, non-conflicting id.
:type safe_id: boolean
:returns: Content object that was moved to the target location
:Example: :ref:`content_move_example`
source_id = source.getId()
# If no target is given the object is probably renamed
if target and source.aq_parent is not target:
target = source.aq_parent
if id:
return rename(obj=target[source_id], new_id=id, safe_id=safe_id)
return target[source_id]
[docs]@required_parameters('obj', 'new_id')
def rename(obj=None, new_id=None, safe_id=False):
"""Rename the object.
:param obj: [required] Object that we want to rename.
:type obj: Content object
:param new_id: New id of the object.
:type new_id: string
:param safe_id: When False, the given id will be enforced. If the id is
conflicting with another object in the container, raise a
InvalidParameterError. When True, choose a new, non-conflicting id.
:type safe_id: boolean
:returns: Content object that was renamed
:Example: :ref:`content_rename_example`
obj_id = obj.getId()
container = obj.aq_parent
if safe_id:
chooser = INameChooser(container)
new_id = chooser.chooseName(new_id, obj)
if obj_id != new_id:
container.manage_renameObject(obj_id, new_id)
return container[new_id]
@at_least_one_of('target', 'id')
def copy(source=None, target=None, id=None, safe_id=False):
"""Copy the object to the target container.
:param source: [required] Object that we want to copy.
:type source: Content object
:param target: Target container to which the source object will
be moved. If no target is specified, the source object's container will
be used as a target.
:type target: Folderish content object
:param id: Id of the copied object on the target location. If no id is
provided, the copied object will have the same id as the source object
- however, if the new object's id conflicts with another object in the
target container, a suffix will be added to the new object's id.
:type id: string
:param safe_id: When False, the given id will be enforced. If the id is
conflicting with another object in the target container, raise a
InvalidParameterError. When True, choose a new, non-conflicting id.
:type safe_id: boolean
:returns: Content object that was created in the target location
:Example: :ref:`content_copy_example`
source_id = source.getId()
if target is None:
target = source.aq_parent
copy_info = target.manage_pasteObjects(
new_id = copy_info[0]['new_id']
if id:
if not safe_id and id in target:
msg = "Duplicate ID '{0}' in '{1}' for '{2}'"
raise InvalidParameterError(msg.format(id, target, source))
return rename(obj=target[new_id], new_id=id, safe_id=safe_id)
return target[new_id]
[docs]@mutually_exclusive_parameters('obj', 'objects')
@at_least_one_of('obj', 'objects')
def delete(obj=None, objects=None, check_linkintegrity=True):
"""Delete the object(s).
:param obj: Object that we want to delete.
:type obj: Content object
:param objects: Objects that we want to delete.
:type objects: List of content objects
:param check_linkintegrity: Raise exception if there are
:type check_linkintegrity: boolean
:Example: :ref:`content_delete_example`
objects = [obj] if obj else objects
# Return early if we have no objects to delete.
if not objects:
if check_linkintegrity and NEW_LINKINTEGRITY:
site = portal.get()
linkintegrity_view = get_view(
# look for breaches and manually raise a exception
breaches = linkintegrity_view.get_breaches(objects)
if breaches:
raise LinkIntegrityNotificationException(
'Linkintegrity-breaches: {0}'.format(breaches),
for obj_ in objects:
if not check_linkintegrity and not NEW_LINKINTEGRITY:
# old style ignoring breaches:
# we have to explicitly ignore the exception
except LinkIntegrityNotificationException:
# All other cases
def get_state(obj=None, default=_marker):
"""Get the current workflow state of the object.
:param obj: [required] Object that we want to get the state for.
:type obj: Content object
:param default: Returned if no workflow is defined for the object.
:returns: Object's current workflow state, or `default`.
:rtype: string
:Example: :ref:`content_get_state_example`
workflow = portal.get_tool('portal_workflow')
if default is not _marker and not workflow.getWorkflowsFor(obj):
return default
# This still raises WorkflowException when the workflow state is broken,
# ie 'review_state' is absent
return workflow.getInfoFor(ob=obj, name='review_state')
# work backwards from our end state
def _find_path(maps, path, current_state, start_state):
paths = []
# current_state could not be on maps if it only has outgoing
# transitions. i.e an initial state you are not able to return to.
if current_state not in maps:
for new_transition, from_states in maps[current_state]:
next_path = _copy(path)
if new_transition in path:
# Don't go in a circle
next_path.insert(0, new_transition)
if start_state in from_states:
for state in from_states:
recursive_paths = _find_path(
if recursive_paths:
return len(paths) and min(paths, key=len) or None
def _wf_transitions_for(workflow, from_state, to_state):
"""Get a list of transition IDs required to transition
from ``from_state`` to ``to_state``.
:param workflow: Workflow object which contains states and transitions
:type workflow: Workflow object
:param from_state: Current workflow state
:type from_state: string
:param to_state: Desired workflow state
:type to_state: string
:returns: A list of transitions
:rtype: list
exit_state_maps = {}
for state in workflow.states.objectValues():
for transition in state.getTransitions():
exit_state_maps.setdefault(transition, [])
transition_maps = {}
for transition in workflow.transitions.objectValues():
value = (
exit_state_maps.get(transition.getId(), []),
if transition.new_state_id not in transition_maps:
transition_maps[transition.new_state_id] = [value]
if to_state not in transition_maps:
# impossible to reach via this workflow
return None
return _find_path(transition_maps, [], to_state, from_state)
def _transition_to(obj, workflow, to_state, **kwargs):
# move from the current state to the given state
# via any route we can find
for wf in workflow.getWorkflowsFor(obj):
status = workflow.getStatusOf(wf.getId(), obj)
if not status or not status.get('review_state'):
if status['review_state'] == to_state:
transitions = _wf_transitions_for(
if not transitions:
for transition in transitions:
workflow.doActionFor(obj, transition, **kwargs)
except WorkflowException:
# take into account automatic transitions.
# If the transitions list that are being iterated over
# have automatic transitions they need to be skipped
if get_state(obj) == to_state:
@at_least_one_of('transition', 'to_state')
@mutually_exclusive_parameters('transition', 'to_state')
def transition(obj=None, transition=None, to_state=None, **kwargs):
"""Perform a workflow transition for the object or attempt to perform
workflow transitions on the object to reach the given state.
The later will not guarantee that transition guards conditions can be met.
Accepts kwargs to supply to the workflow policy in use, such as "comment"
:param obj: [required] Object for which we want to perform the workflow
:type obj: Content object
:param transition: Name of the workflow transition.
:type transition: string
:param to_state: Name of the workflow state.
:type to_state: string
:Example: :ref:`content_transition_example`
workflow = portal.get_tool('portal_workflow')
if transition is not None:
workflow.doActionFor(obj, transition, **kwargs)
except WorkflowException:
transitions = [
action['id'] for action in workflow.listActions(object=obj)
raise InvalidParameterError(
"Invalid transition '{0}'.\n"
'Valid transitions are:\n'
'{1}'.format(transition, '\n'.join(sorted(transitions))),
_transition_to(obj, workflow, to_state, **kwargs)
if workflow.getInfoFor(obj, 'review_state') != to_state:
raise InvalidParameterError(
'Could not find workflow to set state to {0} on {1}'.format(
def disable_roles_acquisition(obj=None):
"""Disable acquisition of local roles on given obj.
Set __ac_local_roles_block__ = 1 on obj.
:param obj: [required] Context object to block the acquisition on.
:type obj: Content object
:Example: :ref:`content_disable_roles_acquisition_example`
plone_utils = portal.get_tool('plone_utils')
plone_utils.acquireLocalRoles(obj, status=0)
def enable_roles_acquisition(obj=None):
"""Enable acquisition of local roles on given obj.
Set __ac_local_roles_block__ = 0 on obj.
:param obj: [required] Context object to enable the acquisition on.
:type obj: Content object
:Example: :ref:`content_enable_roles_acquisition_example`
plone_utils = portal.get_tool('plone_utils')
plone_utils.acquireLocalRoles(obj, status=1)
[docs]@required_parameters('name', 'context', 'request')
def get_view(name=None, context=None, request=None):
"""Get a BrowserView object.
:param name: [required] Name of the view.
:type name: string
:param context: [required] Context on which to get view.
:type context: context object
:param request: [required] Request on which to get view.
:type request: request object
:Example: :ref:`content_get_view_example`
# We do not use exceptionhandling to detect if the requested view is
# available, because the __init__ of said view will contain
# errors in client code.
# Get all available views...
sm = getSiteManager()
available_views = sm.adapters.lookupAll(
required=(providedBy(context), providedBy(request)),
# and get their names.
available_view_names = [view[0] for view in available_views]
# Raise an error if the requested view is not available.
if name not in available_view_names:
raise InvalidParameterError(
"Cannot find a view with name '{name}'.\n"
'Available views are:\n'
return getMultiAdapter((context, request), name=name)
def get_uuid(obj=None):
"""Get the object's Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID).
:param obj: [required] Object we want its UUID.
:type obj: Content object
:returns: Object's UUID
:rtype: string
:Example: :ref:`content_get_uuid_example`
return IUUID(obj)
def _parse_object_provides_query(query):
"""Create a query for the object_provides index.
:param query: [required]
:type query: Single (or list of) Interface or Identifier or a KeywordIndex
query for multiple values
(eg. `{'query': [Iface1, Iface2], 'operator': 'or'}`)
ifaces = query
operator = 'or'
query_not = []
if isinstance(query, dict):
ifaces = query.get('query', [])
operator = query.get('operator', operator)
query_not = query.get('not', [])
# KeywordIndex also supports "range",
# but that's not useful for querying object_provides
if not isinstance(ifaces, (list, tuple)):
ifaces = [ifaces]
ifaces = [getattr(x, '__identifier__', x) for x in ifaces]
if not isinstance(query_not, (list, tuple)):
query_not = [query_not]
query_not = [getattr(x, '__identifier__', x) for x in query_not]
result = {}
if ifaces:
result['query'] = ifaces
result['operator'] = operator
if query_not:
result['not'] = query_not
return result
[docs]def find(context=None, depth=None, **kwargs):
"""Find content in the portal.
:param context: Context for the search
:type obj: Content object
:param depth: How far in the content tree we want to search from context
:type obj: Content object
:returns: Catalog brains
:rtype: List
:Example: :ref:`content_find_example`
query = {}
# Save the original path to maybe restore it later.
orig_path = query.get('path')
if isinstance(orig_path, dict):
orig_path = orig_path.get('query')
# Passing a context or depth overrides the existing path query,
# for now.
if context or depth is not None:
# Make the path a dictionary, unless it already is.
if not isinstance(orig_path, dict):
query['path'] = {}
# Limit search depth
if depth is not None:
# If we don't have a context, we'll assume the portal root.
if context is None and not orig_path:
context = portal.get()
# Restore the original path
query['path']['query'] = orig_path
query['path']['depth'] = depth
if context is not None:
query['path']['query'] = '/'.join(context.getPhysicalPath())
# Convert interfaces to their identifiers and also allow to query
# multiple values using {'query:[], 'operator':'and|or'}
obj_provides = query.get('object_provides', [])
if obj_provides:
query['object_provides'] = _parse_object_provides_query(obj_provides)
# Make sure we don't dump the whole catalog.
catalog = portal.get_tool('portal_catalog')
indexes = catalog.indexes()
valid_indexes = [index for index in query if index in indexes]
if not valid_indexes:
return []
return catalog(**query)